الگو:Citation Style documentation/journal

< الگو:Citation Style documentation
نسخهٔ تاریخ ‏۱۸ آوریل ۲۰۲۱، ساعت ۱۶:۳۴ توسط Wikihagh admin (بحث | مشارکت‌ها) (۱ نسخه واردشده)
(تفاوت) → نسخهٔ قدیمی‌تر | نمایش نسخهٔ فعلی (تفاوت) | نسخهٔ جدیدتر ← (تفاوت)
  • work: Name of the source periodical; may be wikilinked if relevant. Displays in italics. Aliases: journal, newspaper, magazine, periodical.
    • issue: When the publication is one of a series that is published periodically.
When set, work changes the formatting of other parameters:
title is not italicized and is enclosed in quotes.
chapter is italicized and is not enclosed in quotes.
location and publisher are enclosed in parentheses.
page and pages do not show p. or pp.
edition does not display.
type does not display.