الگو:Infobox legislation/doc

از ویکی حقوق
پرش به ناوبری پرش به جستجو


  • {{{long_title}}}
قلمروی اجرایی{{{territorial_extent}}}
Considered by{{{considered_by}}}
وضع شده توسط{{{enacted_by}}}
تاریخ تصویب{{{date_passed}}}
تاریخ وضع{{{date_enacted}}}
وضع شده توسط{{{enacted_by2}}}
تاریخ تصویب{{{date_passed2}}}
تاریخ وضع{{{date_enacted2}}}
Date assented to{{{date_assented}}}
تاریخ توشیح ملوکانه{{{royal_assent}}}
تاریخ امضا{{{date_signed}}}
امضا شده توسط{{{signed_by}}}
Signed by{{{signed_by}}}
Vetoed by{{{vetoed_by}}}
Type of veto{{{veto_type}}}
Veto overridden{{{veto_overridden}}}
Pocket vetoed{{{date_pocket_vetoed}}}
Became law by inaction{{{date_became_law_by_inaction}}}
Date of expiry{{{date_of_expiry}}}
Administered by{{{administered_by}}}
Legislative history
Bill introduced in the {{{enacted_by}}}{{{bill}}}
Bill citation{{{bill_citation}}}
Bill published on{{{bill_date}}}
Introduced by{{{introduced_by}}}
First reading{{{1st_reading}}}
Second reading{{{2nd_reading}}}
Third reading{{{3rd_reading}}}
Conference committee bill passed{{{conf_committee_passed}}}
Committee report{{{committee_report}}}
Bill introduced in the {{{enacted_by2}}}{{{bill2}}}
Bill citation{{{bill_citation2}}}
Bill published on{{{bill_date2}}}
Introduced by{{{introduced_by2}}}
First reading{{{1st_reading2}}}
Second reading{{{2nd_reading2}}}
Third reading{{{3rd_reading2}}}
Conference committee bill passed{{{conf_committee_passed2}}}
Committee report{{{committee_report2}}}
Date passed by conference committee{{{date_conf_committee}}}
White paper{{{white_paper}}}
Amended by
Repealed by
Related legislation

This template summarizes information about a piece of legislation or a bill. It is designed to be generic so that it can be used for the bills, statutes and subsidiary legislation (delegated legislation) of any jurisdiction. If you have suggestions as to how the template may be improved, please leave a message on the talk page.

Specific infoboxes for European Union, United Kingdom (national and devolved) and United States (federal only) legislation are at {{Infobox EU legislation}}, {{Infobox UK legislation}} and {{Infobox U.S. legislation}} respectively (although this template also supports the latter two to a limited extent).

Legislation enacted by a legislature (e.g. an Act of Parliament/Congress)

See next section for bills that did not pass or is still being considered by the legislature.

Click [show] to view
{{Infobox legislation
|short_title            = 
|legislature            = <!-- Name of enacting legislature, wikilinked. Autofills image if available. -->
|image                  = 
|imagesize              = 
|image_upright          = 
|imagealt               = 
|caption                = 
|long_title             = 
|citation               = 
|territorial_extent     = 
|enacted_by             = <!-- For bicameral legislatures, this is the chamber the bill was first introduced. -->
|date_enacted           = <!-- Pick one of date_enacted or date_passed as appropriate in jurisdiction. -->
|date_passed            = <!-- Pick one of date_enacted or date_passed as appropriate in jurisdiction. -->
|enacted_by2            = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. Use if bill passed the second chamber. -->
|date_enacted2          = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. Pick one of date_enacted2 or date_passed2 as appropriate in jurisdiction. -->
|date_passed2           = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. Pick one of date_enacted2 or date_passed2 as appropriate in jurisdiction. -->
|date_assented          = <!-- Pick none or one of date_assented, royal_assent or date_signed as appropriate in jurisdiction. -->
|assented_by              = <!-- Only use if date_assented or royal_assent is used. -->
|royal_assent           = <!-- Pick none or one of date_assented, royal_assent or date_signed as appropriate in jurisdiction. -->
|date_signed            = <!-- Pick none or one of date_assented, royal_assent or date_signed as appropriate in jurisdiction. -->
|signed_by              = <!-- Only use if date_signed is used. -->
<-- Use date_vetoed, vetoed_by, veto_type, veto_overridden, and reference_holding if bill was vetoed but the veto was overridden, or, for constitutional vetoes, the constitutional court held that the bill is constitutional. -->
|date_vetoed            = <!-- For jurisdiction where a veto is used. -->
|vetoed_by              = <!-- Only use if date_vetoed is used. -->
|veto_type              = <!-- Only use if the jurisdiction allows for several types of veto, e.g. returning a bill to the legislature or referring it to a constitutional court. Pocket vetoes should not be placed here. -->
|veto_overridden        = <!-- Date on which the veto was overridden. Pocket vetoes and constitutional vetoes should not be placed here; however, if the veto results in a referendum on the bill, the date of that referendum should be here, with a wiki link where possible. -->
|reference_holding      = <!-- For jurisdictions where a constitutional veto (a bill is referred to the supreme or constitutional court) is used. The holding of the court as to the constitutionality of a bill; wikilink or external link to the ruling where possible. -->
|date_became_law_by_inaction = <!-- For jurisdiction where a pocket approval is used (e.g. if no action is taken on a bill after it is presented to the head of state, it becomes law automatically). -->
|date_commenced         = <!-- Pick one of date_commenced or date_effective as appropriate in jurisdiction. -->
|date_effective         = <!-- Pick one of date_commenced or date_effective as appropriate in jurisdiction. -->
|date_of_expiry         = 
|date_repealed          = 
|administered_by        = 
|bill                   = <!-- Name of relevant bill debated in the chamber listed in enacted_by or considered_by. Omit if the legislation is still a bill in this chamber and the bill name used in short_title. -->
|bill_citation          = 
|bill_date              = 
|introduced_by          = <!-- Name of member introducing the bill in the chamber. -->
|1st_reading            = 
|2nd_reading            = <!-- Specify date range for multi-day readings. -->
|3rd_reading            = 
|conf_committee_passed  = 
|committee_report       = 
|bill2                  = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. Name of relevant bill debated in the chamber listed in enacted_by2 or considered_by2. -->
|bill_citation2         = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. -->
|bill_date2             = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. -->
|introduced_by2         = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. Name of member introducing the bill in the chamber. -->
|1st_reading2           = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. -->
|2nd_reading2           = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. Specify date range for multi-day readings. -->
|3rd_reading2           = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. -->
|conf_committee_passed2 = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. -->
|committee_report2      = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. -->
|date_conf_committee    = 
|white_paper            = 
|amends                 = <!-- Citations of other notable legislation that this legislation amends; wikilink or external link where possible. -->
|repeals                = <!-- Citations of other notable legislation that this legislation repeals; wikilink or external link where possible. -->
|amended_by             = <!-- Citations of other notable legislation that amends this legislation; wikilink or external link where possible.  -->
|repealed_by            = <!-- Citation of the legislation that repealed this legislation; wikilink or external link if possible. -->
|related_legislation    = <!-- Names and citations of any other related legislation; wikilink name and external link citation where possible. -->
|summary                = 
|keywords               = 
|status                 = <!-- not yet in force/not fully in force/current/in force/amended/expired/spent/repealed/struck down/halted/void/void ab initio -->

Proposed legislation considered (but failed) or in consideration by a legislature (e.g. a bill)

Click [show] to view
{{Infobox legislation
|short_title            = <!-- Name of bill. -->
|legislature            = <!-- Name of considering legislature, wikilinked. Autofills image if available. -->
|image                  = 
|imagesize              = 
|image_upright          = 
|imagealt               = 
|caption                = 
|long_title             = 
|citation               = <!-- Citation of bill. -->
|territorial_extent     = 
|considered_by          = <!-- Use if bill did not pass or hasn't been passed by the chamber (for bicameral legislatures, this is the chamber the bill was first introduced). -->
|enacted_by             = <!-- Use if bill passed the chamber but was vetoed or have not yet received assent, or, for bicameral legislatures, did not pass or have not yet passed the second chamber. -->
|date_enacted           = <!-- Pick one of date_enacted or date_passed as appropriate in jurisdiction. Only use if enacted_by is used. -->
|date_passed            = <!-- Pick one of date_enacted or date_passed as appropriate in jurisdiction. Only use if enacted_by is used. -->
|considered_by2         = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. Use if bill did not pass or hasn't been passed by the second chamber. -->
|enacted_by2            = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. Use if bill passed the second chamber but was vetoed or have not yet received assent. -->
|date_enacted2          = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. Pick one of date_enacted2 or date_passed2 as appropriate in jurisdiction. Only use if enacted_by2 is used. -->
|date_passed2           = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. Pick one of date_enacted2 or date_passed2 as appropriate in jurisdiction. Only use if enacted_by2 is used. -->
|date_vetoed            = <!-- For jurisdiction where a veto is used. -->
|vetoed_by              = <!-- Only use if date_vetoed is used. -->
|veto_type              = <!-- Only use if the jurisdiction allows for several types of veto, e.g. returning a bill to the legislature or referring it to a constitutional court. Pocket vetoes should not be placed here. -->
|reference_holding      = <!-- For jurisdictions where a constitutional veto (a bill is referred to the supreme or constitutional court) is used. The holding of the court as to the constitutionality of a bill; wikilink or external link to the ruling where possible. -->
|date_pocket_vetoed     = <!-- For jurisdiction where a pocket veto is used (e.g. if no action is taken on a bill after it is presented to the head of state, it is killed automatically). -->
|bill                   = <!-- Name of relevant bill debated in the chamber listed in enacted_by or considered_by. Omit if the legislation is still a bill in this chamber and the bill name used in short_title. -->
|bill_citation          = 
|bill_date              = 
|introduced_by          = <!-- Name of member introducing the bill in the chamber. -->
|1st_reading            = 
|2nd_reading            = <!-- Specify date range for multi-day readings. -->
|3rd_reading            = 
|conf_committee_passed  = 
|committee_report       = 
|bill2                  = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. Name of relevant bill debated in the chamber listed in enacted_by2 or considered_by2. -->
|bill_citation2         = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. -->
|bill_date2             = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. -->
|introduced_by2         = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. Name of member introducing the bill in the chamber. -->
|1st_reading2           = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. -->
|2nd_reading2           = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. Specify date range for multi-day readings. -->
|3rd_reading2           = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. -->
|conf_committee_passed2 = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. -->
|committee_report2      = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. -->
|date_conf_committee    = 
|white_paper            = 
|amends                 = <!-- Citations of other notable legislation that this legislation amends; wikilink or external link where possible. -->
|repeals                = <!-- Citations of other notable legislation that this legislation repeals; wikilink or external link where possible. -->
|related_legislation    = <!-- Names and citations of any other related legislation; wikilink name and external link citation where possible. -->
|summary                = 
|keywords               = 
|status                 = <!-- pending/not passed/vetoed/withdrawn/blocked -->

Legislation enacted or considered without going through a legislature (e.g. a regulation or an order)

Click [show] to view
{{Infobox legislation
|short_title            = 
|legislature            = <!-- Name of considering or enacting body (e.g. Government of Australia), wikilinked. -->
|image                  = 
|imagesize              = 
|image_upright          = 
|imagealt               = 
|caption                = 
|long_title             = 
|citation               = 
|territorial_extent     = 
|considered_by          = <!-- Name of considering authority. Use if legislation wasn't enacted for some reason, or if it is still being considered. -->
|enacted_by             = <!-- Name of enacting authority. Use if legislation was enacted. -->
|date_enacted           = <!-- Pick one of date_enacted or date_passed as appropriate in jurisdiction. Only use if enacted_by is used. -->
|date_passed            = <!-- Pick one of date_enacted or date_passed as appropriate in jurisdiction. Only use if enacted_by is used. -->
|date_assented          = <!-- Pick none or one of date_assented, royal_assent or date_signed as appropriate in jurisdiction. -->
|royal_assent           = <!-- Pick none or one of date_assented, royal_assent or date_signed as appropriate in jurisdiction. -->
|date_signed            = <!-- Pick none or one of date_assented, royal_assent or date_signed as appropriate in jurisdiction. -->
|signed_by              = <!-- Only use if date_signed is used. -->
|date_commenced         = <!-- Pick one of date_commenced or date_effective as appropriate in jurisdiction. -->
|date_effective         = <!-- Pick one of date_commenced or date_effective as appropriate in jurisdiction. -->
|date_of_expiry         = 
|date_repealed          = 
|administered_by        = 
|white_paper            = 
|amends                 = <!-- Citations of other notable legislation that this legislation amends; wikilink or external link where possible. -->
|repeals                = <!-- Citations of other notable legislation that this legislation repeals; wikilink or external link where possible. -->
|amended_by             = <!-- Citations of other notable legislation that amends this legislation; wikilink or external link where possible.  -->
|repealed_by            = <!-- Citation of the legislation that repealed this legislation; wikilink or external link if possible. -->
|related_legislation    = <!-- Names and citations of any other related legislation; wikilink name and external link citation where possible. -->
|summary                = 
|keywords               = 
|status                 = <!-- pending/withdrawn/blocked/not yet in force/not fully in force/current/in force/amended/expired/spent/repealed/struck down/halted/void/void ab initio -->

All available parameters

Click [show] to view
{{Infobox legislation
|short_title            = 
|legislature            = <!-- Name of enacting legislature, wikilinked. Autofills image if available. -->
|image                  = 
|imagesize              = 
|image_upright          = 
|imagealt               = 
|caption                = 
|long_title             = 
|citation               = 
|territorial_extent     = 
|considered_by          = <!-- Use if bill did not pass or hasn't been passed by the chamber (for bicameral legislatures, this is the chamber the bill was first introduced). -->
|enacted_by             = <!-- Use if bill passed the chamber (for bicameral legislatures, this is the chamber the bill was first introduced). -->
|date_enacted           = <!-- Pick one of date_enacted or date_passed as appropriate in jurisdiction. Only use if enacted_by is used. -->
|date_passed            = <!-- Pick one of date_enacted or date_passed as appropriate in jurisdiction. Only use if enacted_by is used. -->
|considered_by2         = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. Use if bill did not pass or hasn't been passed by the second chamber. -->
|enacted_by2            = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. Use if bill passed the second chamber. -->
|date_enacted2          = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. Pick one of date_enacted2 or date_passed2 as appropriate in jurisdiction. Only use if enacted_by2 is used. -->
|date_passed2           = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. Pick one of date_enacted2 or date_passed2 as appropriate in jurisdiction. Only use if enacted_by2 is used. -->
|date_assented          = <!-- Pick none or one of date_assented, royal_assent or date_signed as appropriate in jurisdiction. -->
|assented_by              = <!-- Only use if date_assented or royal_assent is used. -->
|royal_assent           = <!-- Pick none or one of date_assented, royal_assent or date_signed as appropriate in jurisdiction. -->
|date_signed            = <!-- Pick none or one of date_assented, royal_assent or date_signed as appropriate in jurisdiction. -->
|signed_by              = <!-- Only use if date_signed is used. -->
|date_vetoed            = <!-- For jurisdiction where a veto is used. -->
|vetoed_by              = <!-- Only use if date_vetoed is used. -->
|veto_type              = <!-- Only use if the jurisdiction allows for several types of veto, e.g. returning a bill to the legislature or referring it to a constitutional court. Pocket vetoes should not be placed here. -->
|veto_overridden        = <!-- Date on which the veto was overridden. Pocket vetoes and constitutional vetoes should not be placed here; however, if the veto results in a referendum on the bill, the date of that referendum should be here, with a wiki link where possible. -->
|reference_holding      = <!-- For jurisdictions where a constitutional veto (a bill is referred to the supreme or constitutional court) is used. The holding of the court as to the constitutionality of a bill; wikilink or external link to the ruling where possible. -->
|date_pocket_vetoed     = <!-- For jurisdiction where a pocket veto is used (e.g. if no action is taken on a bill after it is presented to the head of state, it is killed automatically). -->
|date_became_law_by_inaction = <!-- For jurisdiction where a pocket approval is used (e.g. if no action is taken on a bill after it is presented to the head of state, it becomes law automatically). -->
|date_commenced         = <!-- Pick one of date_commenced or date_effective as appropriate in jurisdiction. -->
|date_effective         = <!-- Pick one of date_commenced or date_effective as appropriate in jurisdiction. -->
|date_of_expiry         = 
|date_repealed          = 
|administered_by        = 
|bill                   = <!-- Name of relevant bill debated in the chamber listed in enacted_by or considered_by. Omit if the legislation is still a bill in this chamber and the bill name used in short_title. -->
|bill_citation          = 
|bill_date              = 
|introduced_by          = <!-- Name of member introducing the bill in the chamber. -->
|1st_reading            = 
|2nd_reading            = 
|3rd_reading            = 
|conf_committee_passed  = 
|committee_report       = 
|bill2                  = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. Name of relevant bill debated in the chamber listed in enacted_by2 or considered_by2. -->
|bill_citation2         = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. -->
|bill_date2             = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. -->
|introduced_by2         = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. Name of member introducing the bill in the chamber. -->
|1st_reading2           = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. -->
|2nd_reading2           = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. -->
|3rd_reading2           = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. -->
|conf_committee_passed2 = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. -->
|committee_report2      = <!-- For bicameral legislatures only. -->
|date_conf_committee    = 
|white_paper            = 
|amends                 = <!-- Citations of other notable legislation that this legislation amends; wikilink or external link where possible. -->
|repeals                = <!-- Citations of other notable legislation that this legislation repeals; wikilink or external link where possible. -->
|amended_by             = <!-- Citations of other notable legislation that amends this legislation; wikilink or external link where possible.  -->
|repealed_by            = <!-- Citation of the legislation that repealed this legislation; wikilink or external link if possible. -->
|related_legislation    = <!-- Names and citations of any other related legislation; wikilink name and external link citation where possible. -->
|summary                = 
|keywords               = 
|status                 = <!-- pending/not passed/vetoed/withdrawn/blocked/not yet in force/not fully in force/current/in force/amended/expired/spent/repealed/struck down/halted/void/void ab initio -->


This infobox takes a number of parameters, which are all optional:

Parameter Description
Basic information
short_title The short title of the legislation or bill, which should preferably be the same as the article title. If the parameter is left blank or omitted, the article name is used.
legislature The name of the legislature that enacted the legislation. You only need to use this parameter if the legislature of the jurisdiction in question is bicameral, and you wish to state its name rather than just the names of the upper house and lower house, which can be specified using |enacted_by= and |enacted_by2=.
image An image to represent the person or institution that enacted the legislation, such as a coat of arms, a seal or a photograph of a building. Type the name of the image without the "File:" prefix and do not wikilink it. If you omit this parameter, the template automatically displays an image according to the scheme at {{Infobox legislation/images}}.
imagesize The width of the image in pixels (px), particularly if it is less than 180 px. Type the number without the "px" suffix ("150", not "150px"). If this parameter is left blank or omitted, the image size defaults to 180 px.
image_upright Scale factor for the image, particularly to scale tall, narrow images correctly. See Help:Pictures#Upright_images for more information.
imagealt Alt text for the image. For more information, see "Wikipedia:Alternative text for images".
caption A caption for the image. Terms in the caption can be wikilinked, if desired.
long_title The long title of the legislation.
citation The citation of the legislation. If the legislation is available online, use a citation template where available to generate an external link automatically, or else create a link manually. If the citation uses square brackets, replace them with &#91; and &#93; when putting them inside an external link.
territorial_extent The territorial area(s) to which the legislation extends or applies. If possible, provide a wikilink.
The name of the person or institution that considered or enacted the legislation. |considered_by= is used for proposed or failed legislation (e.g. bills) in which the institution did not or has not enacted the legislation, and |enacted_by= for successful ones. Wikilink the name to a Wikipedia article about the person or institution, if there is one. In a bicameral jurisdiction, use this parameter to specify the legislative chamber that initiated the legislation.
The date the legislation was enacted or passed. Select either |date_enacted= or |date_passed= depending on whether the term enacted or passed is customarily used in the jurisdiction. In line with "Wikipedia:Manual of Style (dates and numbers)#Linking and autoformatting of dates", do not wikilink dates.
In a bicameral legislature, use these parameters to specify the name of the legislative chamber that considered the legislation after it was initiated by the other chamber, and the date when the second chamber enacted or passed the legislation.
Use one of the following:
  1. |date_assented= – to indicate the date when a head of state or their representative gives formal assent to the legislation.
  2. |royal_assent= – to indicate the date when a constitutional monarch gives royal assent to legislation.
  3. |date_signed= – to indicate the date when a president (e.g., the President of the United States) a state governor (e.g., the governor of one of the US states) or a constitutional monarch without royal assent powers (e.g., the Grand Duke of Luxembourg), signs a piece of legislation, and the signer's identity.

Do not use parameter(s) from two or three of the above categories together.

Use one of the following:
  1. |assented_by= – to indicate the assenter's identity where |date_assented= or |royal_assent= is used.
  2. |signed_by= – to indicate the signer's identity where |date_signed= is used.

Do not use parameter(s) from two of the above categories together.

date_vetoed The date when the legislation was vetoed by the head of state or their representative. This does not apply to a pocket veto.
veto_type The type of veto applied to the law, if the head of state or their representative has the right to veto the bill in multiple ways. This does not apply to a pocket veto.

Use one of the following:

  1. Absolute – to indicate a veto which cannot be overridden (e.g., withholding of royal assent by the Monarch of the United Kingdom, or a final veto by the President of Cyprus).
  2. Package – to indicate a veto where the entire bill is returned to the legislature for reconsideration.
  3. Line-item – to indicate a veto where only a part of the bill is returned to the legislature for reconsideration.
  4. Referendum – to indicate a veto where the bill is submitted to a referendum (e.g., a reservation of the bill to the significance of the people by the President of Ireland).
  5. Constitutional – to indicate a veto where the bill is referred to the supreme or constitutional court, or other authority with judicial review powers, to determine its constitutionality.
veto_overridden The date when the veto was overridden:
  1. If the veto involves returning the bill to the legislature, this is the date of the legislative vote to override the veto. If the legislative debates are available online, create external links to them.
  2. If the veto involves submitting the bill to a referendum, this is the date of the referendum on that bill. Create an internal link to that Referendum's article.

This does not apply to a pocket veto or a constitutional veto.

reference_holding The decision of the supreme or constitutional court, or other authority with judicial review powers, on a vetoed bill referred to it. Create an internal link to the court ruling's article; if no such article exists but the court's decision is available online, create an external link to it.
date_pocket_vetoed The date when the legislation was pocket vetoed by the head of state or their representative (i.e. the bill became ineffective because the head of state or representative did not sign/assent or veto it within an allowed time)
date_became_law_by_inaction The date when the legislation bill became law because the head of state or representative did not sign/assent or veto it within an allowed time.
The date when the legislation commenced (came into force), or became effective as law. Use the parameter that corresponds to the term customary in the jurisdiction, not both the parameters.
date_of_expiry Date when the legislation automatically ceases to have effect (usually, but not always, when a sunset provision is included).
date_repealed Date when the legislation is repealed. Note that legislation may be repealed before or after it had expired, so this parameter is not necessarily identical to |date_of_expiry=.
administered_by The institution administering the legislation. Not necessary for most legislation. Wikilink if possible.
Legislation history
bill The name of the bill or proposed law when the legislation was still being considered by the institution specified in |enacted_by= or |considered_by=. Wikilink the name to an article about the bill, if there is one.

In a bicameral jurisdiction, use this parameter to state the name of the bill that was introduced by the legislative chamber that initiated the legislation.

bill_citation The citation of the bill. If the bill is available online, create an external link to it. If the citation uses square brackets, replace them with &#91; and &#93; when putting them inside an external link.
bill_date The date when the bill was published.
introduced_by The name of the legislator who introduced the bill.
The dates of the first, second and third readings of the bill in the legislature. If the legislative debates are available online, create external links to them.
conf_committee_passed In some jurisdictions, the date when the institution passed the version of the bill adopted by a conference committee.
committee_report The name of a report issued by a legislative committee about the bill that was eventually enacted. If the report is available online, create an external link to it.
In a bicameral legislature, use these parameters to specify information about the bill that was considered in one chamber after it was passed by the other chamber.
date_conf_committee In some jurisdictions, the date when a conference committee passed a bill. This parameter should be used together with |conf_committee_passed= and |conf_committee_passed2= – use these parameters to indicate the dates when the upper and lower legislative chambers passed the version of the bill adopted by the conference committee.
white_paper The name of a white paper relating to the legislation. If the white paper is available online, create an external link to it.
amends The citations of any notable legislation that this legislation amends. If available, wikilink the article or external link the texts of the amended legislation.
repeals The citations of any notable legislation that this legislation repeals. If available, wikilink the article or external link the texts of the repealed legislation.
amended_by The citations of any notable amendments to this legislation. If available, wikilink the article or external link the texts of the amendments.
repealed_by The citations of any notable legislation repealing parts or previous versions of this legislation. If available, wikilink the article or external link the texts of the repealing legislation.
related_legislation The names and citations of any related pieces of legislation. Where possible, link the name of a related piece of legislation to a Wikipedia article about it, and link the citation to an external website containing the text of the related legislation.
summary A very brief summary of the subjects that the legislation deals with.
keywords A list of keywords that describe the legal issues dealt with by the legislation. List keywords alphabetically, separate them with commas, and link them to appropriate Wikipedia articles wherever possible; for example, "[[Bailment]], [[common carrier]], [[negligence]], [[strict liability]]".
status The status of the bill or legislation. The possible values are:
  • pending
  • not passed
  • vetoed
  • current
  • not yet in force
  • not fully in force
  • halted
  • in force
  • amended
  • expired
  • repealed
  • spent
  • struck down
  • void
  • void ab initio

If some value other than the ones above is given to |status=, "Unknown" is displayed.



Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act
Legislative Assembly of Singapore
  • An Act to make temporary provisions for the maintenance of public order, the control of supplies by sea to Singapore, and the prevention of strikes and lock-outs in essential services
CitationOrdinance No. 26 of 1955, now Cap. 67, 2000 Rev. Ed.
قلمروی اجراییWhole of Singapore
وضع شده توسطLegislative Assembly of Singapore
تاریخ وضع22 September 1955
Commenced21 October 1955
Legislative history
Bill published on31 August 1955
Introduced byChief Secretary William Allmond Codrington Goode
First reading18 August 1955
Second reading22 September 1955
Third reading22 September 1955
{{Infobox legislation
|short_title        = Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act
|long_title         = An Act to make temporary provisions for the maintenance of public order, the control of supplies by sea to Singapore, and the prevention of strikes and lock-outs in essential services
|citation           = Ordinance No. 26 of 1955, now {{Singapore legislation|cap=67|ed=2000}}
|territorial_extent = Whole of [[Singapore]]
|enacted_by         = [[Legislative Assembly of Singapore]]
|date_enacted       = 22 September 1955
|date_commenced     = 21 October 1955
|bill_date          = 31 August 1955
|introduced_by      = Chief Secretary [[William Allmond Codrington Goode]]
|1st_reading        = 18 August 1955
|2nd_reading        = 22 September 1955
|3rd_reading        = 22 September 1955
|status             = in force

Statute made after overridden veto

Law of Ukraine "On Administrative Procedure"
پرونده:Будівля по вулиці Грушевського, 5.jpg
Verkhovna Rada
Vetoed byPresident Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Vetoed8 December 2021
Veto overridden17 February 2022
Legislative history
Introduced byPrime Minister Denys Shmyhal
First reading2 September 2020
Second reading15 November 2021
{{Infobox legislation
|short_title   = Law of Ukraine "On Administrative Procedure"
|long_title    = 
|passed_by     = [[Verkhovna Rada]]
|introduced_by = Prime Minister [[Denys Shmyhal]]
|vetoed_by     = President [[Volodymyr Zelenskyy]]
|1st_reading   = 2 September 2020
|2nd_reading   = 15 November 2021
|date_vetoed   = 8 December 2021
|veto_overridden = 17 February 2022
|status        = in force

Unpassed Bill

Naval Aid Bill
Parliament of Canada
  • An Act to authorize measures for increasing the effective naval forces of the Empire.
Considered byParliament of Canada
Legislative history
Introduced byRobert Borden
First readingDecember 5, 1912
Third readingMay 15, 1913
{{Infobox legislation
|short_title   = Naval Aid Bill
|long_title    = An Act to authorize measures for increasing the effective naval forces of the Empire. 
|considered_by = [[Parliament of Canada]]
|introduced_by = [[Robert Borden]]
|1st_reading   = December 5, 1912
|3rd_reading   = May 15, 1913
|status        = Not passed

Technical information

The |image= parameter in the template contains (with slight modifications) the following function:

  |{{Infobox legislation/images
     |image={{if empty|{{{legislature|}}}|{{{considered_by|}}}|{{{enacted_by|}}}}}

The function does the following tasks:

  • If the parameter |image= is used in the template, that image is displayed.
  • If |image= is not used, a check is done to see if the value of |legislature= or |enacted_by= is listed in {{Infobox legislation/images}}. If the result is blank, then no image is displayed. If the result is an image file (the coat of arms or seal, or a photograph of a building representing the person or institution that enacted the legislation), then the image file is displayed. {{Infobox legislation/images}} can be tweaked to display different images depending on the date when the legislation was decided – for help with this, leave a message on the talk page.
  • If a value is specified for |imagesize=, the image is given that width; otherwise the image width defaults to "frameless".
  • If a value, adds |upright=value to image. Values less than 1 scale the image down (0.9 = 90%); values greater than 1 scale the image up (1.15 = 115%).
  • In either case the image is given alt text specified by |imagealt=.

JackLee came up with the first version of this function for {{Infobox court case}}, but thanks are due to Chris Cunningham for coming up with a cleaner solution that works better.


This is the TemplateData for this template used by TemplateWizard, VisualEditor and other tools. Click here to see a monthly parameter usage report for this template based on this TemplateData.

TemplateData for Infobox legislation


Infobox for an article about an act, statute, bill, regulation, order, measure or other legislation in any jurisdiction. European Union, United Kingdom and United States federal legislations have specialised infoboxes of their own.

پارامترهای الگو

این الگو، قالب‌بندی شخصی‌سازی‌شده دارد

Short titleshort_title name

Short title of the legislation. If a bill, enter the bill's current or most recent short title.


Name of the legislature or institution enacting the legislation, wikilinked. Automatically sets image if available.


An image representing the institution or office that enacted/is enacting the legislation, such as a coat of arms, a seal, an emblem or a photograph of the institution's building. Omit "File:". Overrides any automatically set image.

{{Infobox legislation/images|image={{if empty|{{legislature|}}}|{{considered_by|}}}|{{{enacted_by|}}}}}|date={{{date_enacted|}}}}}
Image sizeimagesize image_size

Size of the image automatically set or specified in the image parameter.

Image upright factorimage_upright upright

Scale factor for the image specified in 'image', particularly to scale tall, narrow images correctly. See 'Help:Pictures#Upright_images' for more information.

Image alternative textimagealt

Description of the specified image when the image cannot be rendered, or for screen readers. Strongly recommended if an image is specified.

Image captioncaption

Caption for the image. This explains the image or its purpose in the current context and therefore is not necessarily the same as the alt text.

Long titlelong_title

The long "official" title of the legislation or bill, in jurisdictions that use them.


The citation of the legislation or bill. Use a template from 'Category:Law citation templates' or manually create an external link to the legislation if available online. Replace square brackets in the citation text with &#91; and &#93;

Territorial extentterritorial_extent

The territorial area(s) to which the legislation extends or applies. Wikilink where possible.

Considered byconsidered_by

The institution (usually a debate chamber) that is considering/considered the bill or proposed/failed legislation. If the bill was passed or enacted by this institution, use 'enacted_by' instead. Wikilink where possible.

Enacted byenacted_by

The institution (usually a debate chamber) that enacted the legislation. For bicameral legislatures, this is the first chamber the bill was introduced in. If the legislation is still being debated by or failed to be enacted by this chamber, use 'considered_by' instead. Wikilink where possible.

Date enacteddate_enacted

Date when the legislation was enacted by the institution specified in 'enacted_by'. Use 'date_passed' instead if appropriate in jurisdiction, but not both.

Date passeddate_passed

Date when the legislation was passed by the institution specified in 'enacted_by'. Use 'date_enacted' instead if appropriate in jurisdiction, but not both.

Considered by (second chamber)considered_by2

The second chamber that is considering/considered the bill or proposed/failed legislation. For bicameral legislatures only. If the bill was passed or enacted by this chamber, use 'enacted_by2' instead. Wikilink where possible.

Enacted by (second chamber)enacted_by2

The second chamber that enacted the legislation. For bicameral legislatures only. If the legislation is still being debated by or failed to be enacted by this chamber, use 'considered_by2' instead. Wikilink where possible.

Date enacted (second chamber)date_enacted2

Date when the legislation was enacted by the chamber specified in 'enacted_by2'. For bicameral legislatures only. Use 'date_passed2' instead if appropriate in jurisdiction, but not both.

Date passed (second chamber)date_passed2

Date when the legislation was passed by the institution specified in 'enacted_by2'. For bicameral legislatures only. Use 'date_enacted2' instead if appropriate in jurisdiction, but not both.

Date assented todate_assented

Date when a head of state or their representative gave formal assent to the legislation. Use 'royal_assent' or 'date_signed' instead if appropriate in jurisdiction, but not two or all three simultaneously.

Date of royal assentroyal_assent

Date when a monarch or their representative gave royal assent to the legislation. Use 'date_assented' or 'date_signed' instead if appropriate in jurisdiction, but not two or all three simultaneously.

Date signeddate_signed

Date when a head of state or their representative signed the legislation into law. Use 'date_assented' or 'royal_assent' instead if appropriate in jurisdiction, but not two or all three simultaneously.

Signed bysigned_by

Person who signed the legislation into law. Only use if 'date_signed' is used. Wikilink if possible.

Date commenceddate_commenced commencement

Date when the legislation came into force. This may be different from the date of assent or signature. Use 'date_effective' instead if appropriate in jurisdiction, but not both.

Date effectivedate_effective

Date when the legislation became effective as law. This may be different from the date of assent or signature. Use 'date_commenced' instead if appropriate in jurisdiction, but not both.

Date of expirydate_of_expiry

Date when the legislation automatically ceases to have effect (usually, but not always, when a sunset provision is included).

Date repealeddate_repealed

Date when the legislation is repealed. Note that legislation may be repealed before or after it had expired, so this parameter is not necessarily identical to 'date_of_expiry'.

Administered byadministered_by

The institution administering the legislation. Not necessary for most legislation. Wikilink if possible.

Bill namebill

Name of the bill or proposed law when the legislation was still being considered by the institution specified in 'enacted_by' or 'considered_by'. Omit if this is still a bill in this institution and the name is the same as the current 'short_title'.

Bill citationbill_citation

The citation of the bill for this legislation in the institution specified in 'enacted_by' or 'considered_by'. Omit if this is still a bill in this institution and the citation is the same as the current 'citation'. Create an external link to the bill if available online. Replace square brackets in the citation text with &#91; and &#93;

Date bill publishedbill_date

Date when the bill was published to the institution specified in 'enacted_by' or 'considered_by'.

Introduced byintroduced_by

The member of the legislature that introduced the bill into the chamber. Wikilink where possible.

First reading1st_reading

Date when the bill was read a first time in the chamber specified in 'enacted_by' or 'considered_by'. If in the unlikely circumstance the bill was first read over multiple days, specify a date range.

Second reading2nd_reading

Date(s) when the bill was read a second time in the chamber specified in 'enacted_by' or 'considered_by'. If read over multiple days, specify a date range.

Third reading3rd_reading

Date when the bill was read a third time in the chamber specified in 'enacted_by' or 'considered_by'. If in the unlikely circumstance the bill was read at this stage over multiple days, specify a date range.

Date conference committee bill passedconf_committee_passed

Date when the version of the bill adopted by the conference committee is passed by the chamber specified in 'enacted_by' or 'considered_by', in jurisdictions that do this.

Committee report namecommittee_report

The name of a report issued by a committee in the chamber specified in 'enacted_by' or 'considered_by' about the bill. Create an external link to the report if available online.

Bill name (second chamber)bill2

Name of the bill or proposed law when the legislation was still being considered by the chamber specified in 'enacted_by2' or 'considered_by2'. For bicameral legislatures only.

Bill citation (second chamber)bill_citation2

The citation of the bill for this legislation in the second chamber. For bicameral legislatures only. Create an external link to the bill if available online. Replace square brackets in the citation text with &#91; and &#93;

Date bill published (second chamber)bill_date2

Date when the bill was published to the second chamber. For bicameral legislatures only.

Introduced by (second chamber)introduced_by2

The member of the legislature that introduced the bill into the second chamber. For bicameral legislatures only. Wikilink where possible.

First reading (second chamber)1st_reading2

Date when the bill was read a first time in the second chamber. For bicameral legislatures only. If in the unlikely circumstance the bill was first read over multiple days, specify a date range.

Second reading (second chamber)2nd_reading2

Date(s) when the bill was read a second time in the second chamber. For bicameral legislatures only. If read over multiple days, specify a date range.

Third reading (second chamber)3rd_reading2

Date when the bill was read a third time in the second chamber. For bicameral legislatures only. If in the unlikely circumstance the bill was read at this stage over multiple days, specify a date range.

Date conference committee bill passed (second chamber)conf_committee_passed2

Date when the version of the bill adopted by the conference committee is passed by the second chamber, in jurisdictions that do this. For bicameral legislatures only.

Committee report name (second chamber)committee_report2

The name of a report issued by a committee in the second chamber about the bill. For bicameral legislatures only. Create an external link to the report if available online.

Date conference committee adopted billdate_conf_committee

Date when the conference committee adopted their version of the bill, in jurisdictions that do this.

White paperwhite_paper

The name of a white paper relating to the legislation. Create an external link to the white paper if available online.


List of citations of other notable legislation that this legislation amends. Wikilink or external link where possible.


List of citations of other notable legislation that this legislation repeals. Wikilink or external link where possible.

Amended byamended_by

List of citations of other notable legislation that amends this legislation. Wikilink or external link where possible.

Amended byamendments

Same as 'amended_by', but this parameter is deprecated.

Repealed byrepealed_by

Citation of the legislation that repealed this legislation. Wikilink or external link if possible.

Related legislationrelated_legislation related

Names and citations of any other related legislation. Wikilink name and external link citation where possible.


A very brief summary of the subjects that the legislation deals with.


A comma-separated list of keywords that describe the legal issues dealt with by the legislation. List keywords alphabetically and wikilink them wherever possible.


The status of the legislation or bill. Select from the following: pending/not passed/withdrawn/blocked/not yet in force/not fully in force/current/in force/amended/expired/spent/repealed/struck down/halted/void/void ab initio. Do not capitalise. Other values will generate an 'unknown' status.
