الگو:MediaWiki URL rules

از ویکی حقوق
نسخهٔ تاریخ ‏۱۸ آوریل ۲۰۲۱، ساعت ۱۶:۳۵ توسط Wikihagh admin (بحث | مشارکت‌ها) (۱ نسخه واردشده)
(تفاوت) → نسخهٔ قدیمی‌تر | نمایش نسخهٔ فعلی (تفاوت) | نسخهٔ جدیدتر ← (تفاوت)
پرش به ناوبری پرش به جستجو
URLs must begin with a supported یوآرآی. http:// and https:// will be supported by all browsers; however, ftp://, gopher://, irc://, ircs://, mailto: and news: will require a plug-in or an external application and should normally be avoided. پروتکل اینترنت نسخه ۶ host-names are currently not supported.
If URLs in citation template parameters contain certain characters, then they will not display and link correctly. Those characters need to be کدبندی درصدی. For example, a space must be replaced by %20. To encode the URL, replace the following characters with:
sp " ' < > [ ] | }
%20 %22 %27 %3c %3e %5b %5d %7c %7d
Single apostrophes do not need to be encoded; however, unencoded multiples will be parsed as italic or bold markup. Single curly closing braces also do not need to be encoded; however, an unencoded pair will be parsed as the double closing braces for the template transclusion.