پودمان:Citation/CS1/en/Configuration: تفاوت میان نسخه‌ها

پرش به ناوبری پرش به جستجو
بروزرسانی چندتا از id_limit ها Special:Permalink/35803757#احوال‌پرسی_و_یک_مشکل
جز (۱ نسخه واردشده)
ویکی حقوق>Mojtabakd
جز (بروزرسانی چندتا از id_limit ها Special:Permalink/35803757#احوال‌پرسی_و_یک_مشکل)
خط ۱: خط ۱:
local lang_obj = mw.language.getContentLanguage(); -- make a language object for the local language; used here for languages and dates
local citation_config = {};

--[[--------------------------< U N C A T E G O R I Z E D _ N A M E S P A C E S >------------------------------
--[[--------------------------< U N C A T E G O R I Z E D _ N A M E S P A C E S >------------------------------

List of namespaces that should not be included in citation error categories. Same as setting notracking = true by default
List of namespaces that should not be included in citation error categories.
Same as setting notracking = true by default.

Note: Namespace names should use underscores instead of spaces.
Note: Namespace names should use underscores instead of spaces.

local uncategorized_namespaces = { 'کاربر', 'بحث', 'بحث_کاربر', 'بحث_ویکی‌پدیا', 'بحث_پرونده', 'بحث_الگو','بحث_راهنما', 'بحث_رده', 'بحث_درگاه', 'بحث_کتاب', 'پیش‌نویس', 'بحث_پیش‌نویس', 'بحث_برنامه_آموزشی','بحث_پودمان', 'بحث_مدیاویکی' };
local uncategorized_subpages = {'/[Ss]andbox', '/[Tt]estcases', 'صفحه تمرین', '/آزمایشی', 'الگو:cite'}; -- list of Lua patterns found in page names of pages we should not categorize
local uncategorized_namespaces = {'کاربر', 'بحث', 'بحث_کاربر', 'بحث_ویکی‌پدیا', 'بحث_پرونده',
'بحث_الگو', 'بحث_راهنما', 'بحث_رده', 'بحث_درگاه', 'بحث_کتاب',
'بحث_پیش‌نویس', 'بحث_برنامه_آموزشی', 'بحث_پودمان', 'بحث_مدیاویکی'};
local uncategorized_subpages = {'/[Ss]andbox', '/[Tt]estcases', '/[^/]*[Ll]og', '/[Aa]rchive',
'/تمرین', '/آزمایشی'
}; -- list of Lua patterns found in page names of pages we should not categorize

--[[--------------------------< M E S S A G E S >--------------------------------------------------------------
--[[--------------------------< M E S S A G E S >--------------------------------------------------------------
خط ۲۳: خط ۲۹:

local messages = {
local messages = {
['agency'] = '$1 $2', -- $1 is sepc, $2 is agency
['archived-dead'] = 'Archived from $1 on $2',
['archived-dead'] = 'Archived from $1 on $2',
['archived-not-dead'] = '$1 from the original on $2',
['archived-live'] = '$1 from the original on $2',
['archived-missing'] = 'Archived from the original$1 on $2',
['archived-missing'] = 'Archived from the original$1 on $2',
['archived-unfit'] = 'Archived from the original on ',
['archived'] = 'Archived',
['archived'] = 'Archived',
['by'] = 'By', -- contributions to authored works: introduction, foreword, afterword
['by'] = 'By', -- contributions to authored works: introduction, foreword, afterword
خط ۳۱: خط ۳۹:
['editor'] = 'ed.',
['editor'] = 'ed.',
['editors'] = 'eds.',
['editors'] = 'eds.',
['edition'] = '($1 ed.)',
['edition'] = '($1&nbsp;ed.)',
['episode'] = 'Episode $1',
['episode'] = 'Episode $1',
['et al'] = 'et al.',
['et al'] = 'et&nbsp;al.',
['in'] = 'In', -- edited works
['in'] = 'In', -- edited works
['inactive'] = 'inactive',
['inactive'] = 'inactive',
خط ۳۹: خط ۴۷:
['interview'] = 'Interviewed by $1',
['interview'] = 'Interviewed by $1',
['lay summary'] = 'Lay summary',
['lay summary'] = 'Lay summary',
['mismatch'] = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code> / <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$2=</code> mismatch', -- $1 is year param name; $2 is date param name
['newsgroup'] = '[[Usenet newsgroup|Newsgroup]]:&nbsp;$1',
['newsgroup'] = '[[Usenet newsgroup|Newsgroup]]:&nbsp;$1',
['notitle'] = 'No title', -- for |title=(()) and (in the future) |title=none
['original'] = 'the original',
['original'] = 'the original',
['origdate'] = ' [$1]',
['published'] = ' (published $1)',
['published'] = ' (published $1)',
['retrieved'] = 'Retrieved $1',
['retrieved'] = 'Retrieved $1',
['season'] = 'Season $1',
['season'] = 'Season $1',
['section'] = '§ $1',
['section'] = '§&nbsp;$1',
['sections'] = '§§ $1',
['sections'] = '§§&nbsp;$1',
['series'] = 'Series $1',
['series'] = '$1 $2', -- $1 is sepc, $2 is series
['seriesnum'] = 'Series $1',
['translated'] = 'Translated by $1',
['translated'] = 'Translated by $1',
['type'] = ' ($1)', -- for titletype
['type'] = ' ($1)', -- for titletype
خط ۵۲: خط ۶۴:

['vol'] = '$1 Vol.&nbsp;$2', -- $1 is sepc; bold journal style volume is in presentation{}
['vol'] = '$1 Vol.&nbsp;$2', -- $1 is sepc; bold journal style volume is in presentation{}
['vol-no'] = '$1 Vol.&nbsp;$2 no.&nbsp;$3', -- sepc, volume, issue
['vol-no'] = '$1 Vol.&nbsp;$2, no.&nbsp;$3', -- sepc, volume, issue (alternatively insert $1 after $2, but then we'd also have to change capitalization)
['issue'] = '$1 No.&nbsp;$2', -- $1 is sepc
['issue'] = '$1 No.&nbsp;$2', -- $1 is sepc

خط ۶۹: خط ۸۱:
['j-sheets'] = ': Sheets&nbsp;$1',
['j-sheets'] = ': Sheets&nbsp;$1',
['subscription'] = '<span class="cs1-subscription">(نیاز به اشتراک (<span title="وبگاه نیاز به اشتراک برای دسترسی به صفحه مورد نظر دارد.">کمک</span>))</span>' ..
'[[رده:صفحه‌های حاوی پیوند نیازمند آبونمان]]',
--'<span class="cs1-subscription">(Subscription required (<span title="The site requires a paid subscription to access this page.">help</span>))</span>' ..
--'[[Category:Pages containing links to subscription-only content]]',
['registration']='<span class="cs1-registration">(نیاز به عضویت (<span title="وبگاه نیاز به نام‌نویسی و ورود برای دسترسی به صفحه مورد نظر دارد.">help</span>))</span>' ..
'[[رده:صفحه‌ها با منبع یا ارجاع نیازمند ثبت ورود]]',
['language'] = '(به $1)',
['language'] = '(به $1)',
['via'] = " &ndash; via $1",
['via'] = " &ndash; via $1",
['event'] = 'Event occurs at',
['event'] = 'Event occurs at',
['minutes'] = 'minutes in',
['minutes'] = 'minutes in',
['parameter-separator'] = ', ',
['parameter-final-separator'] = ', and ',
['parameter-pair-separator'] = ' and ',
-- Determines the location of the help page
-- Determines the location of the help page
['help page link'] = 'راهنما:خطاهای الگوی یادکرد', --'Help:CS1 errors',
['help page link'] = 'Help:CS1 errors',
['help page label'] = 'help', --'help',
['help page label'] = 'help',
-- categories
['cat wikilink'] = '[[Category:$1]]', -- $1 is the category name
[':cat wikilink'] = '[[:Category:$1|link]]', -- category name as maintenance message wikilink; $1 is the category name
-- Internal errors (should only occur if configuration is bad)
-- Internal errors (should only occur if configuration is bad)
['undefined_error'] = 'Called with an undefined error condition', --'Called with an undefined error condition',
['undefined_error'] = 'Called with an undefined error condition',
['unknown_manual_ID'] = 'Unrecognized manual ID mode',--'Unrecognized manual ID mode',
['unknown_ID_key'] = 'Unrecognized ID key: ', -- an ID key in id_handlers not found in ~/Identifiers func_map{}
['unknown_ID_mode'] = 'Unrecognized ID mode',--'Unrecognized ID mode',
['unknown_ID_access'] = 'Unrecognized ID access keyword: ', -- an ID access keyword in id_handlers not found in keywords_lists['id-access']{}
['unknown_argument_map'] = 'Argument map not defined for this variable',--'Argument map not defined for this variable',
['unknown_argument_map'] = 'Argument map not defined for this variable',
['bare_url_no_origin'] = 'Bare url found but origin indicator is nil or empty',--'Bare url found but origin indicator is nil or empty',
['bare_url_no_origin'] = 'Bare URL found but origin indicator is nil or empty',
['warning_msg_e'] = '<span style="color:#d33">One or more <code style="color: inherit; background: inherit; border: none; padding: inherit;">&#123;{$1}}</code> templates have errors</span>; messages may be hidden ([[Help:CS1_errors#Controlling_error_message_display|help]]).'; -- $1 is template link
['warning_msg_m'] = '<span style="color:#3a3">One or more <code style="color: inherit; background: inherit; border: none; padding: inherit;">&#123;{$1}}</code> templates have maintenance messages</span>; messages may be hidden ([[Help:CS1_errors#Controlling_error_message_display|help]]).'; -- $1 is template link
--[[--------------------------< C I T A T I O N _ C L A S S _ M A P >------------------------------------------
this table maps the value assigned to |CitationClass= in the cs1|2 templates to the canonical template name when
the value assigned to |CitationClass= is different from the canonical template name.  |CitationClass= values are
used as class attributes in the <cite> tag that encloses the citation so these names may not contain spaces while
the canonical template name may.  These names are used in warning_msg_e and warning_msg_m to create links to the
template's documentation when an article is displayed in preivew mode.
Most cs1|2 template |CitationClass= values at en.wiki match their canonical template names so are not listed here.
local citation_class_map_t = { -- TODO: if kept, these and all other config.CitationClass 'names' require some sort of i18n
['audio-visual'] = 'AV media', -- TODO: move to ~/Configuration
['AV-media-notes'] = 'AV media notes',
['encyclopaedia'] = 'encyclopedia',
['mailinglist'] = 'mailing list',
['pressrelease'] = 'press release'
--[=[-------------------------< E T _ A L _ P A T T E R N S >--------------------------------------------------
This table provides Lua patterns for the phrase "et al" and variants in name text
(author, editor, etc.). The main module uses these to identify and emit the 'etal' message.
local et_al_patterns = {
"[;,]? *[\"']*%f[%a][Ee][Tt]%.? *[Aa][Ll][%.;,\"']*$", -- variations on the 'et al' theme
"[;,]? *[\"']*%f[%a][Ee][Tt]%.? *[Aa][Ll][Ii][AaIi][Ee]?[%.;,\"']*$", -- variations on the 'et alia', 'et alii' and 'et aliae' themes (false positive 'et aliie' unlikely to match)
"[;,]? *%f[%a]and [Oo]thers", -- an alternative to et al.
"%[%[ *[Ee][Tt]%.? *[Aa][Ll]%.? *%]%]", -- a wikilinked form
"%(%( *[Ee][Tt]%.? *[Aa][Ll]%.? *%)%)", -- a double-bracketed form (to counter partial removal of ((...)) syntax)
"[%(%[] *[Ee][Tt]%.? *[Aa][Ll]%.? *[%)%]]", -- a bracketed form

--[[--------------------------< P R E S E N T A T I O N >------------------------------------------------------
--[[--------------------------< P R E S E N T A T I O N >------------------------

Fixed presentation markup.  Originally part of citation_config.messages it has been moved into its own, more semantically
Fixed presentation markup.  Originally part of citation_config.messages it has
correct place.
been moved into its own, more semantically correct place.

خط ۱۰۸: خط ۱۵۳:
local presentation =  
local presentation =  
-- Error output
-- .error class is specified at https://git.wikimedia.org/blob/mediawiki%2Fcore.git/9553bd02a5595da05c184f7521721fb1b79b3935/skins%2Fcommon%2Fshared.css#L538
-- .citation-comment class is specified at Help:CS1_errors#Controlling_error_message_display
-- .citation-comment class is specified at Help:CS1_errors#Controlling_error_message_display
['hidden-error'] = '<span class="cs1-hidden-error error citation-comment">$1</span>',
['hidden-error'] = '<span class="cs1-hidden-error citation-comment">$1</span>',
['visible-error'] = '<span class="cs1-visible-error error citation-comment">$1</span>',
['visible-error'] = '<span class="cs1-visible-error citation-comment">$1</span>',
['hidden-maint'] = '<span class="cs1-maint citation-comment">$1</span>',
['accessdate'] = '<span class="reference-accessdate">$1$2</span>', -- to allow editors to hide accessdate using personal CSS

['accessdate'] = '<span class="reference-accessdate">$1$2</span>', -- to allow editors to hide accessdate using personal css
['bdi'] = '<bdi$1>$2</bdi>', -- bidirectional isolation used with |script-title= and the like

['bdi'] = '<bdi$1>$2</bdi>', -- bidirectional isolation used with |script-title= and the like
['cite'] = '<cite class="$1">$2</cite>'; -- for use when citation does not have a namelist and |ref= not set so no id="..." attribute
['cite-id'] = '<cite id="$1" class="$2">$3</cite>'; -- for use when when |ref= is set or when citation has a namelist

['cite'] = '<cite class="$1">$2</cite>'; -- |ref= not set so no id="..." attribute
['format'] = ' <span class="cs1-format">($1)</span>', -- for |format=, |chapter-format=, etc.
['cite-id'] = '<cite id="$1" class="$2">$3</cite>'; -- for use when |ref= is set

['format'] = ' <span class="cs1-format">($1)</span>', -- for |format=, |chapter-format=, etc
-- various access levels, for |access=, |doi-access=, |arxiv=, ...
-- narrow no-break space &#8239; may work better than nowrap CSS. Or not? Browser support?
-- various access levels, for |access=, |doi-access=, |arxiv=, ...
-- narrow no-break space &#8239; may work better than nowrap css. Or not? browser support?

['ext-link-access-signal'] = '<span class="$1" title="$2">$3</span>', -- external link with appropriate lock icon
['ext-link-access-signal'] = '<span class="$1" title="$2">$3</span>', -- external link with appropriate lock icon
['free'] = {class='cs1-lock-free', title='در دسترس به صورت رایگان'}, -- classes defined in Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css
['free'] = {class='cs1-lock-free', title='Freely accessible'}, -- classes defined in Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css
['registration'] = {class='cs1-lock-registration', title='نیاز به عضویت رایگان'},
['registration'] = {class='cs1-lock-registration', title='Free registration required'},
['عضویت'] = {class='cs1-lock-registration', title='نیاز به عضویت رایگان'},
['limited'] = {class='cs1-lock-limited', title='Free access subject to limited trial, subscription normally required'},
['limited'] = {class='cs1-lock-limited', title='دسترسی رایگان به صورت آزمایشی، پس از عضویت'},
['subscription'] = {class='cs1-lock-subscription', title='Paid subscription required'},
['محدود'] = {class='cs1-lock-limited', title='دسترسی رایگان به صورت آزمایشی، پس از عضویت'},
['subscription'] = {class='cs1-lock-subscription', title='نیاز به اشتراک غیررایگان'},
['interwiki-icon'] = '<span class="$1" title="$2">$3</span>',
['آبونمان'] = {class='cs1-lock-subscription', title='نیاز به اشتراک غیررایگان'},
['class-wikisource'] = 'cs1-ws-icon',
['اشتراک'] = {class='cs1-lock-subscription', title='نیاز به اشتراک غیررایگان'},

['italic-title'] = "''$1''",
['italic-title'] = "''$1''",

['kern-left'] = '<span class="cs1-kern-left">$1</span>$2', -- spacing to use when title contains leading single or double quote mark
['kern-left'] = '<span class="cs1-kern-left"></span>$1', -- spacing to use when title contains leading single or double quote mark
['kern-right'] = '$1<span class="cs1-kern-right">$2</span>', -- spacing to use when title contains trailing single or double quote mark
['kern-right'] = '$1<span class="cs1-kern-right"></span>', -- spacing to use when title contains trailing single or double quote mark
-- these for simple wikilinked titles [["text]], [[text"]] and [["text"]]
-- span wraps entire wikilink
['kern-wl-left'] = '<span class="cs1-kern-wl-left">$1</span>', -- when title contains leading single or double quote mark
['kern-wl-right'] = '<span class="cs1-kern-wl-left">$1</span>', -- when title contains trailing single or double quote mark
['kern-wl-both'] = '<span class="cs1-kern-wl-left cs1-kern-wl-right">$1</span>', -- when title contains leading and trailing single or double quote marks

['nowrap1'] = '<span class="nowrap">$1</span>', -- for nowrapping an item: <span ...>yyyy-mm-dd</span>
['nowrap1'] = '<span class="nowrap">$1</span>', -- for nowrapping an item: <span ...>yyyy-mm-dd</span>
خط ۱۵۳: خط ۱۹۰:
['parameter'] = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>',
['parameter'] = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>',
['ps_cs1'] = '.'; -- cs1 style postscript (terminal) character
['ps_cs1'] = '.'; -- CS1 style postscript (terminal) character
['ps_cs2'] = ''; -- cs2 style postscript (terminal) character (empty string)
['ps_cs2'] = ''; -- CS2 style postscript (terminal) character (empty string)

['quoted-text'] = '<q>$1</q>', -- for wrapping |quote= content
['quoted-text'] = '<q>$1</q>', -- for wrapping |quote= content
['quoted-title'] = '"$1"',
['quoted-title'] = '"$1"',

['sep_cs1'] = '.', -- cs1 element separator
['sep_cs1'] = '.', -- CS1 element separator
['sep_cs2'] = ',', -- cs2 separator
['sep_cs2'] = ',', -- CS2 separator
['sep_nl'] = ';', -- cs1|2 style name-list separator between authors is a semicolon
['sep_nl'] = ';', -- CS1|2 style name-list separator between names is a semicolon
['sep_name'] = ', ', -- cs1|2 style last/first separator is <comma><space>
['sep_nl_and'] = ' and ', -- used as last nl sep when |name-list-style=and and list has 2 items
['sep_nl_end'] = '; and ', -- used as last nl sep when |name-list-style=and and list has 3+ names
['sep_name'] = ', ', -- CS1|2 style last/first separator is <comma><space>
['sep_nl_vanc'] = ',', -- Vancouver style name-list separator between authors is a comma
['sep_nl_vanc'] = ',', -- Vancouver style name-list separator between authors is a comma
['sep_name_vanc'] = ' ', -- Vancouver style last/first separator is a space
['sep_name_vanc'] = ' ', -- Vancouver style last/first separator is a space

['sep_list'] = '، ', -- used for |language= when list has 3+ items except for last sep which uses sep_list_end
['sep_list_pair'] = ' و ', -- used for |language= when list has 2 items
['sep_list_end'] = ' و ', -- used as last list sep for |language= when list has 3+ items
['trans-italic-title'] = "&#91;''$1''&#93;",
['trans-italic-title'] = "&#91;''$1''&#93;",
['trans-quoted-title'] = "&#91;$1&#93;",
['trans-quoted-title'] = "&#91;$1&#93;", -- for |trans-title= and |trans-quote=
['vol-bold'] = '$1 <b>$2</b>', -- sepc, volume; for bold journal cites; for other cites ['vol'] in messages{}
['vol-bold'] = '$1 <b>$2</b>', -- sepc, volume; for bold journal cites; for other cites ['vol'] in messages{}

--[[--------------------------< A L I A S E S >----------------------------------------------------------------
--[[--------------------------< A L I A S E S >---------------------------------

Aliases table for commonly passed parameters
Aliases table for commonly passed parameters.
Parameter names on the right side in the assignments in this table must have been
defined in the Whitelist before they will be recognized as valid parameter names


local aliases = {
local aliases = {
['AccessDate'] = {'access-date', 'accessdate', 'بازدید', 'بازیابی', 'بازبینی', 'تاریخ بازدید', 'تاریخ بازیابی', 'تاریخ بازبینی', 'تاریخ دسترسی'},
['AccessDate'] = {'access-date', 'accessdate', 'بازدید', 'بازیابی',
'بازبینی', 'تاریخ بازدید', 'تاریخ بازیابی', 'تاریخ بازبینی', 'تاریخ دسترسی'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Agency'] = 'agency',
['Agency'] = 'agency',
['AirDate'] = {'air-date', 'airdate'},
['ArchiveDate'] = {'archive-date', 'archivedate', 'تاریخ بایگانی'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['ArchiveDate'] = {'archive-date', 'archivedate','تاریخ بایگانی'},
['ArchiveFormat'] = 'archive-format',
['ArchiveFormat'] = 'archive-format',
['ArchiveURL'] = {'archive-url', 'archiveurl','پیوند بایگانی','نشانی بایگانی'},
['ArchiveURL'] = {'archive-url', 'archiveurl', 'پیوند بایگانی', 'نشانی بایگانی'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['ASINTLD'] = {'ASIN-TLD', 'asin-tld'},
['ASINTLD'] = 'asin-tld',
['At'] = {'at','در'},
['At'] = 'at', -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Authors'] = {'authors', 'people', 'host', 'credits'},
['Authors'] = {'authors', 'people', 'credits', 'نویسندگان', 'نویسنده‌ها', 'مؤلفین', 'مؤلفان'},
['BookTitle'] = {'book-title', 'booktitle','عنوان جلد', 'عنوان کتاب'},
['BookTitle'] = {'book-title', 'booktitle', 'عنوان جلد', 'عنوان کتاب'},
['Cartography'] = 'cartography',
['Cartography'] = 'cartography',
['Chapter'] = {'chapter', 'contribution', 'entry', 'article', 'section', 'فصل', 'بخش', 'مدخل', 'مشارکت', 'مقاله'},
['Chapter'] = {'chapter', 'contribution', 'entry', 'article', 'section', 'فصل', 'بخش', 'مدخل', 'مشارکت', 'مقاله'},
['ChapterFormat'] = {'chapter-format', 'contribution-format', 'entry-format', 'article-format', 'section-format'};
['ChapterFormat'] = {'chapter-format', 'contribution-format', 'entry-format',
['ChapterURL'] = {'chapter-url', 'chapterurl', 'contribution-url', 'contributionurl', 'entry-url', 'article-url', 'section-url', 'sectionurl', 'نشانی فصل','پیوند فصل', 'پیوند مشارکت', 'پیوند مدخل', 'پیوند بخش', 'پیوند مقاله', 'نشانی مقاله'},
'article-format', 'section-format'};
['ChapterUrlAccess'] = {'chapter-url-access', 'contribution-url-access', 'entry-url-access', 'article-url-access', 'section-url-access'},
['ChapterURL'] = {'chapter-url', 'contribution-url', 'entry-url', 'article-url',
['Class'] = 'class', -- cite arxiv and arxiv identifiers
'section-url', 'chapterurl', 'نشانی فصل','پیوند فصل',
'پیوند مشارکت', 'پیوند مدخل', 'پیوند بخش', 'پیوند مقاله', 'نشانی مقاله'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['ChapterUrlAccess'] = {'chapter-url-access', 'contribution-url-access',
'entry-url-access', 'article-url-access', 'section-url-access'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Class'] = 'class', -- cite arxiv and arxiv identifier
['Collaboration'] = 'collaboration',
['Collaboration'] = 'collaboration',
['Conference'] = {'conference', 'event'},
['Conference'] = {'conference', 'event'},
['ConferenceFormat'] = {'conference-format', 'event-format'},
['ConferenceFormat'] = 'conference-format',
['ConferenceURL'] = {'conference-url', 'conferenceurl', 'event-url', 'eventurl'},
['ConferenceURL'] = 'conference-url', -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Contribution'] = 'contribution', -- introduction, foreword, afterword, etc; required when |contributor= set
['Date'] = {'date', 'air-date', 'airdate', 'تاریخ','تاریخ انتشار'}, -- air-date and airdate for cite episode and cite serial only
['Date'] = {'date','تاریخ','تاریخ انتشار'},
['DeadURL'] = {'dead-url', 'deadurl','پیوند مرده'},
['DeadURL'] = {'dead-url', 'deadurl','پیوند مرده'},
['Degree'] = 'degree',
['Degree'] = 'degree',
['DF'] = 'df',
['DF'] = 'df',
['DisplayAuthors'] = {'display-authors', 'displayauthors'},
['DisplayAuthors'] = {'display-authors', 'display-subjects'},
['DisplayEditors'] = {'display-editors', 'displayeditors'},
['DisplayContributors'] = 'display-contributors',
['DisplayEditors'] = 'display-editors',
['DisplayInterviewers'] = 'display-interviewers',
['DisplayTranslators'] = 'display-translators',
['Docket'] = 'docket',
['Docket'] = 'docket',
['DoiBroken'] = {'doi-broken', 'doi-broken-date', 'doi-inactive-date'},
['DoiBroken'] = 'doi-broken-date',
['Edition'] = {'edition', 'ویراست', 'ویرایش'},
['Edition'] = {'edition', 'ویراست', 'ویرایش'},
['Editors'] = 'editors',
['Embargo'] = 'pmc-embargo-date',
['Embargo'] = 'embargo',
['Encyclopedia'] = {'encyclopedia', 'encyclopaedia', 'dictionary', 'دانشنامه', 'دایرةالمعارف'}, -- cite encyclopedia only
['Encyclopedia'] = {'encyclopedia', 'encyclopaedia', 'دانشنامه', 'دایرةالمعارف'}, -- this one only used by citation
['Episode'] = 'episode', -- cite serial only TODO: make available to cite episode?
['Episode'] = 'episode', -- cite serial only TODO: make available to cite episode?
['Format'] = {'format','فرمت'},
['Format'] = {'format','فرمت'},
['ID'] = {'id', 'ID'},
['ID'] = {'id', 'ID'},
['IgnoreISBN'] = {'ignore-isbn-error', 'ignoreisbnerror','شابک نادرست', 'شابک غلط'},
['Inset'] = 'inset',
['Inset'] = 'inset',
['Issue'] = {'issue', 'number', 'شماره'},
['Issue'] = {'issue', 'number', 'شماره'},
['Interviewers'] = 'interviewers',
['Language'] = {'language', 'lang', 'زبان','کد زبان'},
['Language'] = {'language', 'lang','زبان','کد زبان'},
['LayDate'] = 'lay-date',
['LastAuthorAmp'] = {'last-author-amp', 'lastauthoramp'},
['LayDate'] = {'lay-date', 'laydate'},
['LayFormat'] = 'lay-format',
['LayFormat'] = 'lay-format',
['LaySource'] = {'lay-source', 'laysource'},
['LaySource'] = 'lay-source',
['LayURL'] = {'lay-url', 'lay-summary', 'layurl', 'laysummary'},
['LayURL'] = 'lay-url',
['MailingList'] = {'mailinglist', 'mailing-list'}, -- cite mailing list only
['MailingList'] = {'mailing-list', 'mailinglist'}, -- cite mailing list only
['Map'] = 'map', -- cite map only
['Map'] = 'map', -- cite map only
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['MapFormat'] = 'map-format', -- cite map only
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['MessageID'] = 'message-id',
['MapUrlAccess'] = 'map-url-access', -- cite map only -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Minutes'] = 'minutes',
['Minutes'] = 'minutes',
['Mode'] = 'mode',
['Mode'] = 'mode',
['NameListFormat'] = 'name-list-format',
['NameListStyle'] = 'name-list-style',
['Network'] = {'network','شبکه'},
['Network'] = {'network','شبکه'},
['Newsgroup'] = 'newsgroup', -- cite newsgroup only
['NoPP'] = {'no-pp', 'nopp'},
['NoPP'] = {'no-pp', 'nopp'},
['NoTracking'] = {'template-doc-demo', 'no-cat', 'nocat',
['NoTracking'] = {'no-tracking', 'template-doc-demo'},
'no-tracking', 'notracking'},
['Number'] = {'number', 'شماره'}, -- this case only for cite techreport
['Number'] = {'number', 'شماره'}, -- this case only for cite techreport
['OrigDate'] = {'orig-date', 'orig-year', 'origyear', 'سال اصلی','یادداشت سال'},
['OrigYear'] = {'orig-year', 'origyear','سال اصلی','یادداشت سال'},
['Others'] = {'others','دیگران', 'نویسندگان سایر بخش‌ها'},
['Others'] = {'others','دیگران', 'نویسندگان سایر بخش‌ها'},
['Page'] = {'p', 'page','ص','صفحه'},
['Page'] = {'page', 'p', 'ص','صفحه'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Pages'] = {'pp', 'pages','صص','صفحات','صفحه‌ها'},
['Pages'] = {'pages', 'pp', 'صص','صفحات','صفحه‌ها'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Periodical'] = {'journal','ژورنال', 'newspaper','روزنامه', 'magazine','مجله','نشریه', 'work','اثر',
['Periodical'] = {'journal', 'magazine', 'newspaper', 'periodical', 'website',
'website','وبگاه', 'periodical', 'encyclopedia','دانشنامه', 'encyclopaedia','دایرةالمعارف', 'dictionary','واژه‌نامه','لغت‌نامه', 'mailinglist'},
'work', 'ژورنال', 'روزنامه', 'مجله', 'نشریه', 'اثر', 'وبگاه',
'دایرةالمعارف', 'واژه‌نامه', 'لغت‌نامه'},
['Place'] = {'place', 'location', 'مکان', 'شهر'},
['Place'] = {'place', 'location', 'مکان', 'شهر'},
['PostScript'] = {'postscript','پی‌نوشت'},
['PostScript'] = {'postscript','پی‌نوشت'},
['PublicationDate'] = {'publicationdate', 'publication-date','تاریخ انتشار'},
['PublicationDate'] = {'publication-date', 'publicationdate', 'تاریخ انتشار'},
['PublicationPlace'] = {'publication-place', 'publicationplace'},
['PublicationPlace'] = {'publication-place', 'publicationplace'},
['PublisherName'] = {'publisher', 'distributor', 'institution', 'newsgroup', 'ناشر' ,'انتشارات'},
['PublisherName'] = {'publisher', 'institution', 'ناشر' ,'انتشارات'},
['Quote'] = {'quote', 'quotation','نقل قول','گفتاورد'},
['Quote'] = {'quote', 'quotation', 'نقل قول' ,'گفتاورد'},
['QuotePage'] = 'quote-page',
['QuotePages'] = 'quote-pages',
['Ref'] = {'ref','رف','شناسه'},
['Ref'] = {'ref','رف','شناسه'},
['Ref2'] = {'ref2','ش'},
['Ref2'] = {'ref2','ش'},
['RegistrationRequired'] = {'registration', 'عضویت'},
['Scale'] = 'scale',
['Scale'] = 'scale',
['ScriptChapter'] = 'script-chapter',
['ScriptChapter'] = {'script-chapter', 'script-contribution', 'script-entry',
['ScriptTitle'] = 'script-title',
'script-article', 'script-section'},
['Section'] = 'section',
['ScriptMap'] = 'script-map',
['ScriptPeriodical'] = {'script-journal', 'script-magazine', 'script-newspaper',
'script-periodical', 'script-website', 'script-work'},
['ScriptQuote'] = 'script-quote',
['ScriptTitle'] = 'script-title', -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Season'] = 'season',
['Season'] = 'season',
['Sections'] = 'sections', -- cite map only
['Sections'] = 'sections', -- cite map only
['Series'] = {'series', 'version','سری','نسخه'},
['Series'] = {'series', 'version', 'سری' ,'نسخه'},
['SeriesSeparator'] = 'series-separator',
['SeriesLink'] = {'series-link', 'serieslink', 'پیوند سری', 'پیوند نسخه'},
['SeriesLink'] = {'series-link', 'serieslink', 'پیوند سری', 'پیوند نسخه'},
['SeriesNumber'] = {'series-number', 'series-no', 'seriesnumber', 'seriesno', 'شماره سری'},
['SeriesNumber'] = {'series-number', 'series-no', 'شماره سری'},
['Sheet'] = 'sheet', -- cite map only
['Sheet'] = 'sheet', -- cite map only
['Sheets'] = 'sheets', -- cite map only
['Sheets'] = 'sheets', -- cite map only
['Station'] = 'station',
['Station'] = 'station',
['SubscriptionRequired'] = {'subscription', 'اشتراک', 'آبونمان'},
['Time'] = 'time',
['Time'] = {'time','زمان'},
['TimeCaption'] = 'time-caption',
['TimeCaption'] = {'time-caption', 'timecaption'},
['Title'] = {'title', 'عنوان', 'کتاب'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Title'] = {'title', 'عنوان', 'کتاب'},
['TitleLink'] = {'title-link', 'episode-link', 'episodelink', 'پیوند عنوان'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['TitleLink'] = {'title-link', 'episode-link', 'titlelink', 'episodelink', 'پیوند عنوان'},
['TitleNote'] = 'department',
['TitleNote'] = 'department',
['TitleType'] = {'type', 'medium', 'نوع'},
['TitleType'] = {'type', 'medium', 'نوع'},
['TransChapter'] = 'trans-chapter',
['TransChapter'] = {'trans-article', 'trans-chapter', 'trans-contribution',
'trans-entry', 'trans-section'},
['Transcript'] = 'transcript',
['TranscriptFormat'] = 'transcript-format',
['TranscriptURL'] = {'transcript-url', 'transcripturl'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['TransMap'] = 'trans-map', -- cite map only
['TransMap'] = 'trans-map', -- cite map only
['Transcript'] = 'transcript',
['TransPeriodical'] = {'trans-journal', 'trans-magazine', 'trans-newspaper',
['TranscriptFormat'] = 'transcript-format',
'trans-periodical', 'trans-website', 'trans-work'},
['TranscriptURL'] = {'transcript-url', 'transcripturl'},
['TransQuote'] = 'trans-quote',
['TransTitle'] = {'trans-title', 'ترجمه عنوان', 'ترجمه ایتالیک', 'ترجمه فصل'},
['TransTitle'] = {'trans-title', 'ترجمه عنوان', 'ترجمه ایتالیک', 'ترجمه فصل'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['URL'] = {'url', 'URL', 'پیوند' ,'نشانی', 'پیوند اصلی'},
['URL'] = {'url', 'URL', 'پیوند' ,'نشانی', 'پیوند اصلی'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['UrlAccess'] = {'url-access', 'دسترسی-پیوند', 'دسترسی پیوند'},
['UrlAccess'] = {'url-access', 'دسترسی-پیوند', 'دسترسی پیوند'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['UrlStatus'] = 'url-status', -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Vauthors'] = 'vauthors',
['Vauthors'] = 'vauthors',
['Veditors'] = 'veditors',
['Veditors'] = 'veditors',
خط ۲۸۸: خط ۳۴۵:
['Year'] = {'year', 'سال'},
['Year'] = {'year', 'سال'},

['AuthorList-First'] = {"first#", "author-first#", "author#-first", "given#",
"author-given#", "author#-given", "نام#"},
['AuthorList-Last'] = {"last#", "author-last#", "author#-last", "surname#",
"author-surname#", "author#-surname", "author#", "subject#", 'host#', "نام خانوادگی#",
['AuthorList-Link'] = {"author-link#", "author#-link", "subject-link#",
"subject#-link", "authorlink#", "author#link", "پیوند نویسنده#"},
['AuthorList-Mask'] = {"author-mask#", "author#-mask", "subject-mask#", "subject#-mask"},

['AuthorList-First'] = {"first#", "given#", "author-first#", "author#-first", "نام#"},
['ContributorList-First'] = {'contributor-first#', 'contributor#-first',
['AuthorList-Last'] = {"last#", "author#", "surname#", "author-last#", "author#-last", "subject#", "نام خانوادگی#", "نویسنده#"},
'contributor-given#', 'contributor#-given', 'نام مشارکت‌کننده#'},
['AuthorList-Link'] = {"authorlink#", "author-link#", "author#-link", "subjectlink#", "author#link", "subject-link#", "subject#-link", "subject#link", "پیوند نویسنده#"},
['ContributorList-Last'] = {'contributor-last#', 'contributor#-last',
['AuthorList-Mask'] = {"author-mask#", "authormask#", "author#mask", "author#-mask"},
'contributor-surname#', 'contributor#-surname', 'contributor#',
'نام خانوادگی مشارکت‌کننده#', 'مشارکت‌کننده#'},
['ContributorList-First'] = {'contributor-first#', 'contributor#-first', 'contributor-given#', 'contributor#-given', 'نام مشارکت‌کننده#'},
['ContributorList-Link'] = {'contributor-link#', 'contributor#-link'},
['ContributorList-Last'] = {'contributor#', 'contributor-last#', 'contributor#-last', 'contributor-surname#', 'contributor#-surname', 'نام خانوادگی مشارکت‌کننده#', 'مشارکت‌کننده#'},
['ContributorList-Link'] = {'contributor-link#', 'contributor#-link', "پیوند مشارکت‌کننده#"},
['ContributorList-Mask'] = {'contributor-mask#', 'contributor#-mask'},
['ContributorList-Mask'] = {'contributor-mask#', 'contributor#-mask'},

['EditorList-First'] = {"editor-first#", "editor#-first", "editor-given#", "editor#-given", "نام ویراستار#"},
['EditorList-First'] = {"editor-first#", "editor#-first", "editor-given#", "editor#-given", "نام ویراستار#"},
['EditorList-Last'] = {"editor#", "editor-last#", "editor#-last", "editor-surname#", "editor#-surname", "نام خانوادگی ویراستار#", "ویراستار#"},
['EditorList-Last'] = {"editor-last#", "editor#-last", "editor-surname#",
['EditorList-Link'] = {"editor-link#", "editor#-link", "editorlink#", "editor#link", "پیوند ویراستار#"},
"editor#-surname", "editor#", "نام خانوادگی ویراستار#", "ویراستار#"},
['EditorList-Mask'] = {"editor-mask#", "editor#-mask", "editormask#", "editor#mask"},
['EditorList-Link'] = {"editor-link#", "editor#-link", "پیوند ویراستار#"},
['EditorList-Mask'] = {"editor-mask#", "editor#-mask"},
['InterviewerList-First'] = {'interviewer-first#', 'interviewer#-first', "نام مصاحبه‌کننده#"},
['InterviewerList-First'] = {'interviewer-first#', 'interviewer#-first',
['InterviewerList-Last'] = {'interviewer#', 'interviewer-last#', 'interviewer#-last', "نام خانوادگی مصاحبه‌کننده#"},
'interviewer-given#', 'interviewer#-given', "نام مصاحبه‌کننده#"},
['InterviewerList-Last'] = {'interviewer-last#', 'interviewer#-last',
'interviewer-surname#', 'interviewer#-surname', 'interviewer#',
"نام خانوادگی مصاحبه‌کننده#"},
['InterviewerList-Link'] = {'interviewer-link#', 'interviewer#-link', "پیوند مصاحبه‌کننده#"},
['InterviewerList-Link'] = {'interviewer-link#', 'interviewer#-link', "پیوند مصاحبه‌کننده#"},
['InterviewerList-Mask'] = {'interviewer-mask#', 'interviewer#-mask'},
['InterviewerList-Mask'] = {'interviewer-mask#', 'interviewer#-mask'},

['TranslatorList-First'] = {'translator-first#', 'translator#-first', 'translator-given#', 'translator#-given', "نام مترجم#"},
['TranslatorList-First'] = {'translator-first#', 'translator#-first',
['TranslatorList-Last'] = {'translator#', 'translator-last#', 'translator#-last', 'translator-surname#', 'translator#-surname',"نام خانوادگی مترجم#", "مترجم#", "ترجمه#"},
'translator-given#', 'translator#-given', "نام مترجم#"},
['TranslatorList-Last'] = {'translator-last#', 'translator#-last',
'translator-surname#', 'translator#-surname', 'translator#',
"نام خانوادگی مترجم#", "مترجم#", "ترجمه#"},
['TranslatorList-Link'] = {'translator-link#', 'translator#-link', "پیوند مترجم#"},
['TranslatorList-Link'] = {'translator-link#', 'translator#-link', "پیوند مترجم#"},
['TranslatorList-Mask'] = {'translator-mask#', 'translator#-mask'},
['TranslatorList-Mask'] = {'translator-mask#', 'translator#-mask'},
خط ۳۱۶: خط ۳۸۶:

--[[--------------------------< S P E C I A L  C A S E  T R A N S L A T I O N S >----------------------------
--[[--------------------------< P U N C T _ S K I P >---------------------------
builds a table of parameter names that the extraneous terminal punctuation check should not check.
local punct_meta_params = { -- table of aliases[] keys (meta parameters); each key has a table of parameter names for a value
'BookTitle', 'Chapter', 'ScriptChapter', 'ScriptTitle', 'Title', 'TransChapter', 'Transcript', 'TransMap', 'TransTitle', -- title-holding parameters
'AuthorList-Mask', 'ContributorList-Mask', 'EditorList-Mask', 'InterviewerList-Mask', 'TranslatorList-Mask', -- name-list mask may have name separators
'PostScript', 'Quote', 'ScriptQuote', 'TransQuote', 'Ref', -- miscellaneous
'ArchiveURL', 'ChapterURL', 'ConferenceURL', 'LayURL', 'MapURL', 'TranscriptURL', 'URL', -- URL-holding parameters
local url_meta_params = { -- table of aliases[] keys (meta parameters); each key has a table of parameter names for a value
'ArchiveURL', 'ChapterURL', 'ConferenceURL', 'ID', 'LayURL', 'MapURL', 'TranscriptURL', 'URL', -- parameters allowed to hold urls
'Page', 'Pages', 'At', 'QuotePage', 'QuotePages', -- insource locators allowed to hold urls
local function build_skip_table (skip_t, meta_params)
for _, meta_param in ipairs (meta_params) do -- for each meta parameter key
local params = aliases[meta_param]; -- get the parameter or the table of parameters associated with the meta parameter name
if 'string' == type (params) then
skip_t[params] = 1; -- just a single parameter
for _, param in ipairs (params) do -- get the parameter name
skip_t[param] = 1; -- add the parameter name to the skip table
local count;
param, count = param:gsub ('#', ''); -- remove enumerator marker from enumerated parameters
if 0 ~= count then -- if removed
skip_t[param] = 1; -- add param name without enumerator marker
return skip_t;
local punct_skip = {};
local url_skip = {};
--[[-----------< S P E C I A L  C A S E  T R A N S L A T I O N S >------------

This table is primarily here to support internationalization.  Translations in this table are used, for example,
This table is primarily here to support internationalization.  Translations in
when an error message, category name, etc is extracted from the English alias key.  There may be other cases where
this table are used, for example, when an error message, category name, etc.,
is extracted from the English alias key.  There may be other cases where
this translation table may be useful.
this translation table may be useful.

local is_Latn = 'A-Za-z\195\128-\195\150\195\152-\195\182\195\184-\198\191\199\132-\201\143';
local special_case_translation = {
local special_case_translation = {
['AuthorList'] = "فهرست نویسندگان", -- these for multiple names maint categories
['AuthorList'] = "فهرست نویسندگان", -- used to assemble maintenance category names
['ContributorList'] = "فهرست مشارکت‌کنندگان",
['ContributorList'] = "فهرست مشارکت‌کنندگان", -- translation of these names plus translation of the base mainenance category names in maint_cats{} table below
['EditorList'] = "فهرست ویراستاران",
['EditorList'] = "فهرست ویراستاران", -- must match the names of the actual categories
['InterviewerList'] = "فهرست مصاحبه‌کنندگان",
['InterviewerList'] = "فهرست مصاحبه‌کنندگان", -- this group or translations used by name_has_ed_markup() and name_has_mult_names()
['TranslatorList'] = "فهرست مترجمان",
['TranslatorList'] = "فهرست مترجمان",
['authors'] = "نویسندگان", -- used in get_display_authors_editors()
-- Lua patterns to match pseudo-titles used by InternetArchiveBot and others as placeholder for unknown |title= value
['editors'] = "ویراستاران",
['archived_copy'] = { -- used with CS1 maint: Archive[d] copy as title
['en'] = '^archived?%s+copy$', -- for English; translators: keep this because templates imported from en.wiki
['local'] = nil, -- translators: replace ['local'] = nil with lowercase translation only when bots or tools create generic titles in your language

['archived_copy'] = '^archived?%s+copy$', --توجه -- lua pattern to match pseudo title used by Internet Archive bot and others as place holder for unknown |title= value
-- Lua patterns to match generic titles; usually created by bots or reference filling tools
-- used with CS1 maint: Archived copy as title
-- translators: replace ['local'] = nil with lowercase translation only when bots or tools create generic titles in your language
-- generic titles and patterns in this table should be lowercase only
-- leave ['local'] nil except when there is a matching generic title in your language
-- boolean 'true' for plain-text searches; 'false' for pattern searches
['generic_titles'] = {
['accept'] = {
['reject'] = {
{['en'] = {'^wayback%s+machine$', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'are you a robot', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'hugedomains.com', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'^[%(%[{<]?no +title[>}%]%)]?$', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'page not found', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'subscribe to read', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'^[%(%[{<]?unknown[>}%]%)]?$', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'website is for sale', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'^404', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'internet archive wayback machine', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'log into facebook', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'login • instagram', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'redirecting...', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'usurped title', true}, ['local'] = nil}, -- added by a GreenC bot
{['en'] = {'webcite query result', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'wikiwix\'s cache', true}, ['local'] = nil},
-- boolean 'true' for plain-text searches, search string must be lowercase only
-- boolean 'false' for pattern searches
-- leave ['local'] nil except when there is a matching generic name in your language
['generic_names'] = {
['accept'] = {
{['en'] = {'%[%[[^|]*%(author%) *|[^%]]*%]%]', false}, ['local'] = nil},
['reject'] = {
{['en'] = {'about us', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'%f[%a][Aa]dvisor%f[%A]', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'%f[%a][Aa]uthor%f[%A]', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'collaborator', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'contributor', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'contact us', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'directory', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'%f[%(%[][%(%[]%s*eds?%.?%s*[%)%]]?$', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'[,%.%s]%f[e]eds?%.?$', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'^eds?[%.,;]', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'^[%(%[]%s*[Ee][Dd][Ss]?%.?%s*[%)%]]', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'%f[%a][Ee]dited%f[%A]', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'%f[%a][Ee]ditors?%f[%A]', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'%f[%a]]Ee]mail%f[%A]', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'facebook', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'google', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'home page', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'instagram', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'interviewer', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'linkedIn', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'^[Nn]ews$', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'pinterest', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'policy', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'privacy', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'translator', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'tumblr', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'twitter', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'site name', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'statement', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'submitted', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'super.?user', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'%f['..is_Latn..'][Uu]ser%f[^'..is_Latn..']', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'verfasser', true}, ['local'] = nil},

--[[--------------------------< D E F A U L T S >--------------------------------------------------------------
--[[--------------------------< D A T E _ N A M E S >----------------------------------------------------------
Default parameter values

TODO: keep this?  Only one default?
This table of tables lists local language date names and fallback English date names.
The code in Date_validation will look first in the local table for valid date names.
If date names are not found in the local table, the code will look in the English table.

local defaults = {
Because citations can be copied to the local wiki from en.wiki, the English is
['DeadURL'] = 'yes',
required when the date-name translation function date_name_xlate() is used.

In these tables, season numbering is defined by
Extended Date/Time Format (EDTF) Specification (https://www.loc.gov/standards/datetime/)
which became part of ISO 8601 in 2019.  See '§Sub-year groupings'. The standard
defines various divisions using numbers 21-41. CS1|2 only supports generic seasons.
EDTF does support the distinction between north and south hemisphere seasons
but CS1|2 has no way to make that distinction.

--[[--------------------------< D A T E _ N A M E S >----------------------------------------------------------
33-36 = Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3, Quarter 4 (3 months each)

This table of tables lists local language date names and fallback English date names.  The code in Date_validation
The standard does not address 'named' dates so, for the purposes of CS1|2,
will look first in the local table for valid date names.  If date names are not found in the local table, the code
Easter and Christmas are defined here as 98 and 99, which should be out of the
will look in the English table.
ISO 8601 (EDTF) range of uses for a while.

Because citations can be copied to the local wiki from en.wiki, the English is required when the date-name translation
local_date_names_from_mediawiki is a boolean.  When set to:
function date_name_xlate() is used.
true – module will fetch local month names from MediaWiki for both date_names['local']['long'] and date_names['local']['short']
false – module will *not* fetch local month names from MediaWiki

In these tables, season numbering is defined by ISO DIS 8601:2016 part 2 §4.7 'Divisions of a year'The standard
Caveat lector:  There is no guarantee that MediaWiki will provide short month namesAt your wiki you can test
defines various divisions using numbers 21-41.  cs1|2 only supports generic seasons.  ISO DIS 8601:2016 does support
the results of the MediaWiki fetch in the debug console with this command (the result is alpha sorted):
the distinction between north and south hemispere seasons but cs1|2 has no way to make that distinction.
=mw.dumpObject (p.date_names['local'])

The standard does not address 'named' dates so, for the purposes of cs1|2, Christmas is defined here as 99, which
While the module can fetch month names from MediaWiki, it cannot fetch the quarter, season, and named date names
should be out of the ISO DIS 8601:2016 range of uses for a while.
from MediaWiki.  Those must be translated manually.


local local_date_names_from_mediawiki = true; -- when false, manual translation required for date_names['local']['long'] and date_names['local']['short']
-- when true, module fetches long and short month names from MediaWiki
local date_names = {
local date_names = {
['en'] = { -- English
['en'] = { -- English
['long'] = {['January']=1, ['February']=2, ['March']=3, ['April']=4, ['May']=5, ['June']=6, ['July']=7, ['August']=8, ['September']=9, ['October']=10, ['November']=11, ['December']=12};
['long'] = {['January'] = 1, ['February'] = 2, ['March'] = 3, ['April'] = 4, ['May'] = 5, ['June'] = 6, ['July'] = 7, ['August'] = 8, ['September'] = 9, ['October'] = 10, ['November'] = 11, ['December'] = 12},
['short'] = {['Jan']=1, ['Feb']=2, ['Mar']=3, ['Apr']=4, ['May']=5, ['Jun']=6, ['Jul']=7, ['Aug']=8, ['Sep']=9, ['Oct']=10, ['Nov']=11, ['Dec']=12};
['short'] = {['Jan'] = 1, ['Feb'] = 2, ['Mar'] = 3, ['Apr'] = 4, ['May'] = 5, ['Jun'] = 6, ['Jul'] = 7, ['Aug'] = 8, ['Sep'] = 9, ['Oct'] = 10, ['Nov'] = 11, ['Dec'] = 12},
['season'] = {['Winter']=24, ['Spring']=21, ['Summer']=22, ['Fall']=23, ['Autumn']=23};
['quarter'] = {['First Quarter'] = 33, ['Second Quarter'] = 34, ['Third Quarter'] = 35, ['Fourth Quarter'] = 36},
['named'] = {['Christmas']=99};
['season'] = {['Winter'] = 24, ['Spring'] = 21, ['Summer'] = 22, ['Fall'] = 23, ['Autumn'] = 23},
['numeral'] = {[1] = "January" , [2] = "February" ,[3] = "March" ,[4] = "April" ,[5] = "May" ,[6] = "June" ,[7] = "July" ,[8] = "August" ,[9] = "September" ,[10] = "October" ,[11] = "November" ,[12] = "December"};
['named'] = {['Easter'] = 98, ['Christmas'] = 99},
['local'] = { -- replace these English date names with the local language equivalents
-- when local_date_names_from_mediawiki = false
['long'] = {['ژانویه']=1, ['فوریه']=2, ['مارس']=3, ['آوریل']=4, ['مه']=5, ['ژوئن']=6, ['ژوئیه']=7, ['آگوست']=8, ['سپتامبر']=9, ['اکتبر']=10, ['نوامبر']=11, ['دسامبر']=12};
['local'] = { -- replace these English date names with the local language equivalents
['short'] = {['ژانویهٔ']=1, ['ژانویه‌ی']=1, ['فوریهٔ']=2,['فوریه‌ی']=2, ['ما']=3, ['آو']=4, ['می']=5, ['مه']=5, ['مهٔ']=5, ['جون']=6, ['ژوئن']=6, ['جولای']=7, ['ژوئیهٔ']=7, ['ژوئیه‌ی']=7, ['اوت']=8, ['سپ']=9, ['اک']=10, ['نو']=11, ['دس']=12};
['long'] = {['ژانویه'] = 1, ['فوریه'] = 2, ['مارس'] = 3, ['آوریل'] = 4, ['مه'] = 5, ['ژوئن'] = 6, ['ژوئیه'] = 7, ['اوت'] = 8, ['سپتامبر'] = 9, ['اکتبر'] = 10, ['نوامبر'] = 11, ['دسامبر'] = 12},
['season'] = {['زمستان']=24, ['بهار']=21, ['تابستان']=22, ['پاییز']=23, ['پائیز']=23};
['short'] = {['Jan'] = 1, ['Feb'] = 2, ['Mar'] = 3, ['Apr'] = 4, ['May'] = 5, ['Jun'] = 6, ['Jul'] = 7, ['Aug'] = 8, ['Sep'] = 9, ['Oct'] = 10, ['Nov'] = 11, ['Dec'] = 12},
['named'] = {['نوروز']=99};
['quarter'] = {['First Quarter'] = 33, ['Second Quarter'] = 34, ['Third Quarter'] = 35, ['Fourth Quarter'] = 36},
['season'] = {['زمستان'] = 24, ['بهار'] = 21, ['تابستان'] = 22, ['پاییز'] = 23, ['خزان'] = 23},
['named'] = {['Easter'] = 98, ['Christmas'] = 99},
['inv_local_long'] = {}, -- used in date reformatting & translation; copy of date_names['local'].long where k/v are inverted: [1]='<local name>' etc.
['inv_local_short'] = {}, -- used in date reformatting & translation; copy of date_names['local'].short where k/v are inverted: [1]='<local name>' etc.
['inv_local_quarter'] = {}, -- used in date translation; copy of date_names['local'].quarter where k/v are inverted: [1]='<local name>' etc.
['inv_local_season'] = {}, -- used in date translation; copy of date_names['local'].season where k/v are inverted: [1]='<local name>' etc.
['inv_local_named'] = {}, -- used in date translation; copy of date_names['local'].named where k/v are inverted: [1]='<local name>' etc.
['local_digits'] = {['۰'] = '0', ['۱'] = '1', ['۲'] = '2', ['۳'] = '3', ['۴'] = '4', ['۵'] = '5', ['۶'] = '6', ['۷'] = '7', ['۸'] = '8', ['۹'] = '9'}; -- used to convert local language digits to Western 0-9
['local_digits'] = {['۰'] = '0', ['۱'] = '1', ['۲'] = '2', ['۳'] = '3', ['۴'] = '4', ['۵'] = '5', ['۶'] = '6', ['۷'] = '7', ['۸'] = '8', ['۹'] = '9'}; -- used to convert local language digits to Western 0-9
['xlate_digits'] = {};
['xlate_digits'] = {},

for ld, ed in pairs (date_names.local_digits) do -- make a digit translation table for simple date translation from en to local language using local_digits table
if local_date_names_from_mediawiki then -- if fetching local month names from MediaWiki is enabled
date_names.xlate_digits [ed] = ld; -- en digit becomes index with local digit as the value
local long_t = {};
local short_t = {};
for i=1, 12 do -- loop 12x and
local name = lang_obj:formatDate('F', '2022-' .. i .. '-1'); -- get long month name for each i
long_t[name] = i; -- save it
name = lang_obj:formatDate('M', '2022-' .. i .. '-1'); -- get short month name for each i
short_t[name] = i; -- save it
date_names['local']['long'] = long_t; -- write the long table – overwrites manual translation
date_names['local']['short'] = short_t; -- write the short table – overwrites manual translation
-- create inverted date-name tables for reformatting and/or translation
for _, invert_t in pairs {{'long', 'inv_local_long'}, {'short', 'inv_local_short'}, {'quarter', 'inv_local_quarter'}, {'season', 'inv_local_season'}, {'named', 'inv_local_named'}} do
for name, i in pairs (date_names['local'][invert_t[1]]) do -- this table is ['name'] = i
date_names[invert_t[2]][i] = name; -- invert to get [i] = 'name' for conversions from ymd

for ld, ed in pairs (date_names.local_digits) do -- make a digit translation table for simple date translation from en to local language using local_digits table
date_names.xlate_digits [ed] = ld; -- en digit becomes index with local digit as the value

--[[--------------------------< V O L U M E , I S S U E , P A G E S >----------------------------------------
local df_template_patterns = { -- table of redirects to {{Use dmy dates}} and {{Use mdy dates}}
'{{ *[Uu]se +(dmy) +dates *[|}]', -- 1159k -- sorted by approximate transclusion count
'{{ *[Uu]se +(mdy) +dates *[|}]', -- 212k
'{{ *[Uu]se +(MDY) +dates *[|}]', -- 788
'{{ *[Uu]se +(DMY) +dates *[|}]', -- 343
'{{ *([Mm]dy) *[|}]', -- 176
'{{ *[Uu]se *(dmy) *[|}]', -- 156 + 18
'{{ *[Uu]se *(mdy) *[|}]', -- 149 + 11
'{{ *([Dd]my) *[|}]', -- 56
'{{ *[Uu]se +(MDY) *[|}]', -- 5
'{{ *([Dd]MY) *[|}]', -- 3
'{{ *[Uu]se(mdy)dates *[|}]', -- 1
'{{ *[Uu]se +(DMY) *[|}]', -- 0
'{{ *([Mm]DY) *[|}]', -- 0
local function get_date_format ()
local title_object = mw.title.getCurrentTitle();
if title_object.namespace == 10 then -- not in template space so that unused templates appear in unused-template-reports;
return nil; -- auto-formatting does not work in Template space so don't set global_df
local content = title_object:getContent() or ''; -- get the content of the article or ''; new pages edited w/ve do not have 'content' until saved; ve does not preview; phab:T221625
for _, pattern in ipairs (df_template_patterns) do -- loop through the patterns looking for {{Use dmy dates}} or {{Use mdy dates}} or any of their redirects
local start, _, match = content:find(pattern); -- match is the three letters indicating desired date format
if match then
content = content:match ('%b{}', start); -- get the whole template
if content:match ('| *cs1%-dates *= *[lsy][sy]?') then -- look for |cs1-dates=publication date length access-/archive-date length
return match:lower() .. '-' .. content:match ('| *cs1%-dates *= *([lsy][sy]?)');
return match:lower() .. '-all'; -- no |cs1-dates= k/v pair; return value appropriate for use in |df=
local global_df;
--[[-----------------< V O L U M E ,  I S S U E ,  P A G E S >------------------

These tables hold cite class values (from the template invocation) and identify those templates that support
These tables hold cite class values (from the template invocation) and identify those templates that support
خط ۴۰۱: خط ۶۵۷:

local templates_using_volume = {'citation', 'audio-visual', 'book', 'conference', 'encyclopaedia', 'interview', 'journal', 'magazine', 'map', 'news', 'report', 'techreport', 'thesis'}
local templates_using_volume = {'citation', 'audio-visual', 'book', 'conference', 'encyclopaedia', 'interview', 'journal', 'magazine', 'map', 'news', 'report', 'techreport', 'thesis'}
local templates_using_issue = {'citation', 'conference', 'episode', 'interview', 'journal', 'magazine', 'map', 'news'}
local templates_using_issue = {'citation', 'conference', 'episode', 'interview', 'journal', 'magazine', 'map', 'news', 'podcast'}
local templates_not_using_page = {'audio-visual', 'episode', 'mailinglist', 'newsgroup', 'podcast', 'serial', 'sign', 'speech'}
local templates_not_using_page = {'audio-visual', 'episode', 'mailinglist', 'newsgroup', 'podcast', 'serial', 'sign', 'speech'}


--[[--------------------------< K E Y W O R D S >--------------------------------------------------------------
These tables control when it is appropriate for {{citation}} to render |volume= and/or |issue=.  The parameter
names in the tables constrain {{citation}} so that its renderings match the renderings of the equivalent cs1
templates.  For example, {{cite web}} does not support |volume= so the equivalent {{citation |website=...}} must
not support |volume=.

This table holds keywords for those parameters that have defined sets of acceptible keywords.
local citation_no_volume_t = { -- {{citation}} does not render |volume= when these parameters are used
'website', 'mailinglist', 'script-website',
local citation_issue_t = { -- {{citation}} may render |issue= when these parameters are used
'journal', 'magazine', 'newspaper', 'periodical', 'work',
'script-journal', 'script-magazine', 'script-newspaper', 'script-periodical', 'script-work',
Patterns for finding extra text in |volume=, |issue=, |page=, |pages=
local vol_iss_pg_patterns = {
good_ppattern = '^P[^%.PpGg]', -- OK to begin with uppercase P: P7 (page 7 of section P), but not p123 (page 123); TODO: this allows 'Pages' which it should not
bad_ppatterns = { -- patterns for |page= and |pages=
'^[Pp][PpGg]?%.?[ %d]',
'^[Pp][Pp]?%.&nbsp;', -- from {{p.}} and {{pp.}} templates
vpatterns = { -- patterns for |volume=
ipatterns = { -- patterns for |issue=
'^nos?%A', -- don't match 'november' or 'nostradamus'
'^n[%.:= ]' -- might be a valid issue without separator (space char is sep char here)
--[[--------------------------< K E Y W O R D S >-------------------------------
These tables hold keywords for those parameters that have defined sets of acceptable keywords.
--[[-------------------< K E Y W O R D S  T A B L E >--------------------------
this is a list of keywords; each key in the list is associated with a table of
synonymous keywords possibly from different languages.
for I18N: add local-language keywords to value table; do not change the key.
For example, adding the German keyword 'ja':
['affirmative'] = {'yes', 'true', 'y', 'ja'},
Because CS1|2 templates from en.wiki articles are often copied to other local wikis,
it is recommended that the English keywords remain in these tables.


local keywords = {
local keywords = {
['amp'] = {'&', 'amp', 'ampersand'}, -- |name-list-style=
['and'] = {'and', 'serial'}, -- |name-list-style=
['affirmative'] = {'yes', 'true', 'y'}, -- |no-tracking=, |no-pp= -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['afterword'] = {'afterword'}, -- |contribution=
['bot: unknown'] = {'bot: unknown'}, -- |url-status= -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
--به خاطر برخی مقالات فعلاً کلیدواژه زیر رو اضافه می‌کنم
['cs1'] = {'cs1'}, -- |mode=
['cs2'] = {'cs2'}, -- |mode=
['dead'] = {'dead', 'deviated'}, -- |url-status= -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['dmy'] = {'dmy'}, -- |df=
['dmy-all'] = {'dmy-all'}, -- |df=
['foreword'] = {'foreword'}, -- |contribution=
['free'] = {'free'}, -- |<id>-access= -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['harv'] = {'harv'}, -- |ref=; this no longer supported; is_valid_parameter_value() called with <invert> = true
['introduction'] = {'introduction'}, -- |contribution=
['limited'] = {'limited'}, -- |url-access= -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['live'] = {'live'}, -- |url-status= -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['mdy'] = {'mdy'}, -- |df=
['mdy-all'] = {'mdy-all'}, -- |df=
['none'] = {'none'}, -- |postscript=, |ref=, |title=, |type= -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['off'] = {'off'}, -- |title= (potentially also: |title-link=, |postscript=, |ref=, |type=)
['preface'] = {'preface'}, -- |contribution=
['registration'] = {'registration'}, -- |url-access= -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['subscription'] = {'subscription'}, -- |url-access= -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['unfit'] = {'unfit'}, -- |url-status= -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['usurped'] = {'usurped'}, -- |url-status= -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['vanc'] = {'vanc'}, -- |name-list-style=
['ymd'] = {'ymd'}, -- |df=
['ymd-all'] = {'ymd-all'}, -- |df=
-- ['yMd'] = {'yMd'}, -- |df=; not supported at en.wiki
-- ['yMd-all'] = {'yMd-all'}, -- |df=; not supported at en.wiki
-- مقادیر زیر از پودمان قدیمی منتقل شده اند
['yes_true_y'] = {'yes', 'true', 'y','بله', 'ب'}, -- ignore-isbn-error, last-author-amp, no-tracking, nopp, registration, subscription
['yes_true_y'] = {'yes', 'true', 'y','بله', 'ب'}, -- ignore-isbn-error, last-author-amp, no-tracking, nopp, registration, subscription
-- ['deadurl'] = {'yes', 'true', 'y', 'no', 'unfit', 'usurped', 'unfit no archive', 'usurped no archive'}, -- hidden 2016-04-10; see Help_talk:Citation_Style_1#Recycled_urls
-- ['deadurl'] = {'yes', 'true', 'y', 'no', 'unfit', 'usurped', 'unfit no archive', 'usurped no archive'}, -- hidden 2016-04-10; see Help_talk:Citation_Style_1#Recycled_urls
خط ۴۲۱: خط ۷۶۹:
['date-format'] = {'dmy', 'dmy-all', 'mdy', 'mdy-all', 'ymd', 'ymd-all'},
['date-format'] = {'dmy', 'dmy-all', 'mdy', 'mdy-all', 'ymd', 'ymd-all'},
['url-access'] = {'subscription', 'limited', 'registration', 'اشتراک', 'محدود', 'عضویت', 'آبونمان'},    -- access level of a URL (subscription required, limited access, free registration required), free to read by default
['url-access'] = {'subscription', 'limited', 'registration', 'اشتراک', 'محدود', 'عضویت', 'آبونمان'},    -- access level of a URL (subscription required, limited access, free registration required), free to read by default
     ['id-access'] = {'free'},                                         -- access level of an identifier (free to read), subscription required (or no full text) by default
     ['id-access'] = {'free'}, -- access level of an identifier (free to read), subscription required (or no full text) by default
--[[------------------------< X L A T E _ K E Y W O R D S >---------------------
this function builds a list, keywords_xlate{}, of the keywords found in keywords{} where the values from keywords{}
become the keys in keywords_xlate{} and the keys from keywords{} become the values in keywords_xlate{}:
['affirmative'] = {'yes', 'true', 'y'}, -- in keywords{}
['yes'] = 'affirmative', -- in keywords_xlate{}
['true'] = 'affirmative',
['y'] = 'affirmative',
the purpose of this function is to act as a translator between a non-English keyword and its English equivalent
that may be used in other modules of this suite
local function xlate_keywords ()
local out_table = {}; -- output goes here
for k, keywords_t in pairs (keywords) do -- spin through the keywords table
for _, keyword in ipairs (keywords_t) do -- for each keyword
out_table[keyword] = k; -- create an entry in the output table where keyword is the key
return out_table;
local keywords_xlate = xlate_keywords (); -- the list of translated keywords

--[[----------------< M A K E _ K E Y W O R D S _ L I S T >---------------------

--[[--------------------------< S T R I P M A R K E R S >------------------------------------------------------
this function assembles, for parameter-value validation, the list of keywords appropriate to that parameter.

Common pattern definition location for stripmarkers so that we don't have to go hunting for them if (when)
keywords_lists{}, is a table of tables from keywords{}
MediaWiki changes their form.
local function make_keywords_list (keywords_lists)
local out_table = {}; -- output goes here
for _, keyword_list in ipairs (keywords_lists) do -- spin through keywords_lists{} and get a table of keywords
for _, keyword in ipairs (keyword_list) do -- spin through keyword_list{} and add each keyword, ...
table.insert (out_table, keyword); -- ... as plain text, to the output list
return out_table;
--[[----------------< K E Y W O R D S _ L I S T S >-----------------------------
this is a list of lists of valid keywords for the various parameters in [key].
Generally the keys in this table are the canonical en.wiki parameter names though
some are contrived because of use in multiple differently named parameters:
['yes_true_y'], ['id-access'].
The function make_keywords_list() extracts the individual keywords from the
appropriate list in keywords{}.
The lists in this table are used to validate the keyword assignment for the
parameters named in this table's keys.
local keywords_lists = {
['yes_true_y'] = make_keywords_list ({keywords.affirmative}),
['contribution'] = make_keywords_list ({keywords.afterword, keywords.foreword, keywords.introduction, keywords.preface}),
['df'] = make_keywords_list ({keywords.dmy, keywords['dmy-all'], keywords.mdy, keywords['mdy-all'], keywords.ymd, keywords['ymd-all']}),
-- ['df'] = make_keywords_list ({keywords.dmy, keywords['dmy-all'], keywords.mdy, keywords['mdy-all'], keywords.ymd, keywords['ymd-all'], keywords.yMd, keywords['yMd-all']}), -- not supported at en.wiki
['mode'] = make_keywords_list ({keywords.cs1, keywords.cs2}),
['name-list-style'] = make_keywords_list ({keywords.amp, keywords['and'], keywords.vanc}),
['ref'] = make_keywords_list ({keywords.harv, keywords.CITEREF}), -- inverted check; |ref=harv no longer supported
['url-access'] = make_keywords_list ({keywords.subscription, keywords.limited, keywords.registration}),
['url-status'] = make_keywords_list ({keywords.dead, keywords.live, keywords.unfit, keywords.usurped, keywords['bot: unknown']}),
['id-access'] = make_keywords_list ({keywords.free}),
--[[---------------------< S T R I P M A R K E R S >----------------------------
Common pattern definition location for stripmarkers so that we don't have to go
hunting for them if (when) MediaWiki changes their form.

خط ۴۳۸: خط ۸۶۴:

--[[--------------------------< I N V I S I B L E _ C H A R A C T E R S >--------------------------------------
--[[------------< I N V I S I B L E _ C H A R A C T E R S >---------------------

This table holds non-printing or invisible characters indexed either by name or by Unicode group. Values are decimal
This table holds non-printing or invisible characters indexed either by name or
representations of UTF-8 codes.  The table is organized as a table of tables because the lua pairs keyword returns
by Unicode group. Values are decimal representations of UTF-8 codes.  The table
table data in an arbitrary order.  Here, we want to process the table from top to bottom because the entries at
is organized as a table of tables because the Lua pairs keyword returns table
the top of the table are also found in the ranges specified by the entries at the bottom of the table.
data in an arbitrary order.  Here, we want to process the table from top to bottom
because the entries at the top of the table are also found in the ranges specified
by the entries at the bottom of the table.

This list contains patterns for templates like {{'}} which isn't an error but transcludes characters that are
Also here is a pattern that recognizes stripmarkers that begin and end with the
invisible.  These kinds of patterns must be recognized by the functions that use this list.
delete characters.  The nowiki stripmarker is not an error but some others are
because the parameter values that include them become part of the template's
metadata before stripmarker replacement.

Also here is a pattern that recognizes stripmarkers that begin and end with the delete characters.  The nowiki
stripmarker is not an error but some others are because the parameter values that include them become part of the
template's metadata before stripmarker replacement.

local invisible_defs = {
del = '\127', -- used to distinguish between stripmarker and del char
zwj = '\226\128\141', -- used with capture because zwj may be allowed

local invisible_chars = {
local invisible_chars = {
{'replacement', '\239\191\189'}, -- U+FFFD, EF BF BD
{'replacement', '\239\191\189'}, -- U+FFFD, EF BF BD
{'zero width joiner', '\226\128\141'}, -- U+200D, E2 80 8D
{'zero width joiner', '('.. invisible_defs.zwj .. ')'}, -- U+200D, E2 80 8D; capture because zwj may be allowed
{'zero width space', '\226\128\139'}, -- U+200B, E2 80 8B
{'zero width space', '\226\128\139'}, -- U+200B, E2 80 8B
{'hair space', '\226\128\138'}, -- U+200A, E2 80 8A
{'hair space', '\226\128\138'}, -- U+200A, E2 80 8A
خط ۴۶۲: خط ۸۹۳:
{'horizontal tab', '\009'}, -- U+0009 (HT), 09
{'horizontal tab', '\009'}, -- U+0009 (HT), 09
{'line feed', '\010'}, -- U+000A (LF), 0A
{'line feed', '\010'}, -- U+000A (LF), 0A
{'no-break space', '\194\160'}, -- U+00A0 (NBSP), C2 A0
{'carriage return', '\013'}, -- U+000D (CR), 0D
{'carriage return', '\013'}, -- U+000D (CR), 0D
{'stripmarker', stripmarkers.any}, -- stripmarker; may or may not be an error; capture returns the stripmaker type
{'stripmarker', stripmarkers.any}, -- stripmarker; may or may not be an error; capture returns the stripmaker type
{'delete', '\127'}, -- U+007F (DEL), 7F; must be done after stripmarker test
{'delete', '('.. invisible_defs.del .. ')'}, -- U+007F (DEL), 7F; must be done after stripmarker test; capture to distinguish isolated del chars not part of stripmarker
{'C0 control', '[\000-\008\011\012\014-\031]'}, -- U+0000–U+001F (NULL–US), 00–1F (except HT, LF, CR (09, 0A, 0D))
{'C0 control', '[\000-\008\011\012\014-\031]'}, -- U+0000–U+001F (NULL–US), 00–1F (except HT, LF, CR (09, 0A, 0D))
{'C1 control', '[\194\128-\194\159]'}, -- U+0080–U+009F (XXX–APC), C2 80 – C2 9F
{'C1 control', '[\194\128-\194\159]'}, -- U+0080–U+009F (XXX–APC), C2 80 – C2 9F
-- {'Specials', '[\239\191\185-\239\191\191]'}, -- U+FFF9-U+FFFF, EF BF B9 – EF BF BF
-- {'Specials', '[\239\191\185-\239\191\191]'}, -- U+FFF9-U+FFFF, EF BF B9 – EF BF BF
-- {'Private use area', '[\238\128\128-\239\163\191]'}, -- U+E000–U+F8FF, EE 80 80 – EF A3 BF
-- {'Private use area', '[\238\128\128-\239\163\191]'}, -- U+E000–U+F8FF, EE 80 80 – EF A3 BF
-- {'Supplementary Private Use Area-A', '[\243\176\128\128-\243\191\191\189]'}, -- U+F0000–U+FFFFD, F3 B0 80 80 – F3 BF BF BD
-- {'Supplementary Private Use Area-A', '[\243\176\128\128-\243\191\191\189]'}, -- U+F0000–U+FFFFD, F3 B0 80 80 – F3 BF BF BD
-- {'Supplementary Private Use Area-B', '[\244\128\128\128-\244\143\191\189]'}, -- U+100000–U+10FFFD, F4 80 80 80 – F4 8F BF BD
-- {'Supplementary Private Use Area-B', '[\244\128\128\128-\244\143\191\189]'}, -- U+100000–U+10FFFD, F4 80 80 80 – F4 8F BF BD

Indic script makes use of zero width joiner as a character modifier so zwj characters must be left in.  This
pattern covers all of the unicode characters for these languages:
Indic script makes use of zero width joiner as a character modifier so zwj
characters must be left in.  This pattern covers all of the unicode characters
for these languages:
Devanagari 0900–097F – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0900.pdf
Devanagari 0900–097F – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0900.pdf
Devanagari extended A8E0–A8FF – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/UA8E0.pdf
Devanagari extended A8E0–A8FF – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/UA8E0.pdf
خط ۴۹۲: خط ۹۲۶:
Myanmar extended B A9E0-A9FF - https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/UA9E0.pdf
Myanmar extended B A9E0-A9FF - https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/UA9E0.pdf
the pattern is used by has_invisible_chars() and coins_cleanup()
the pattern is used by has_invisible_chars() and coins_cleanup()
TODO: find a better place for this?

local indic_script = '[\224\164\128-\224\181\191\224\163\160-\224\183\191\225\128\128-\225\130\159\234\167\160-\234\167\191\234\169\160-\234\169\191]';
local indic_script = '[\224\164\128-\224\181\191\224\163\160-\224\183\191\225\128\128-\225\130\159\234\167\160-\234\167\191\234\169\160-\234\169\191]';
-- list of emoji that use zwj character (U+200D) to combine with another emoji
local emoji = { -- indexes are decimal forms of the hex values in U+xxxx
[127752] = true, -- U+1F308 🌈 rainbow
[127806] = true, -- U+1F33E 🌾 ear of rice
[127859] = true, -- U+1F373 🍳 cooking
[127891] = true, -- U+1F393 🎓 graduation cap
[127908] = true, -- U+1F3A4 🎤 microphone
[127912] = true, -- U+1F3A8 🎨 artist palette
[127979] = true, -- U+1F3EB 🏫 school
[127981] = true, -- U+1F3ED 🏭 factory
[128102] = true, -- U+1F466 👦 boy
[128103] = true, -- U+1F467 👧 girl
[128104] = true, -- U+1F468 👨 man
[128105] = true, -- U+1F469 👩 woman
[128139] = true, -- U+1F48B 💋 kiss mark
[128187] = true, -- U+1F4BB 💻 personal computer
[128188] = true, -- U+1F4BC 💼 brief case
[128295] = true, -- U+1F527 🔧 wrench
[128300] = true, -- U+1F52C 🔬 microscope
[128488] = true, -- U+1F5E8 🗨 left speech bubble
[128640] = true, -- U+1F680 🚀 rocket
[128658] = true, -- U+1F692 🚒 fire engine
[129309] = true, -- U+1F91D 🤝 handshake
[129455] = true, -- U+1F9AF 🦯 probing cane
[129456] = true, -- U+1F9B0 🦰 emoji component red hair
[129457] = true, -- U+1F9B1 🦱 emoji component curly hair
[129458] = true, -- U+1F9B2 🦲 emoji component bald
[129459] = true, -- U+1F9B3 🦳 emoji component white hair
[129466] = true, -- U+1F9BA 🦺 safety vest
[129468] = true, -- U+1F9BC 🦼 motorized wheelchair
[129469] = true, -- U+1F9BD 🦽 manual wheelchair
[129489] = true, -- U+1F9D1 🧑 adult
[9760] = true, -- U+2620 ☠ skull and crossbones
[9792] = true, -- U+2640 ♀ female sign
[9794] = true, -- U+2642 ♂ male sign
[9877] = true, -- U+2695 ⚕ staff of aesculapius
[9878] = true, -- U+2696 ⚖ scales
[9992] = true, -- U+2708 ✈ airplane
[10084] = true, -- U+2764 ❤ heavy black heart

--[[--------------------------< L A N G U A G E S >------------------------------------------------------------
--[[----------------------< L A N G U A G E   S U P P O R T >-------------------

This table is used to hold ISO 639-1 two-character language codes that apply only to |script-title= and |script-chapter=
These tables and constants support various language-specific functionality.
--local this_wiki_code = mw.getContentLanguage():getCode(); -- get this wiki's language code
local this_wiki_code = lang_obj:getCode(); -- get this wiki's language code
if string.match (mw.site.server, 'wikidata') then
this_wiki_code = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess('{{int:lang}}'); -- on Wikidata so use interface language setting instead
local mw_languages_by_tag_t = mw.language.fetchLanguageNames (this_wiki_code, 'all'); -- get a table of language tag/name pairs known to Wikimedia; used for interwiki tests
local mw_languages_by_name_t = {};
for k, v in pairs (mw_languages_by_tag_t) do -- build a 'reversed' table name/tag language pairs know to MediaWiki; used for |language=
v = mw.ustring.lower (v); -- lowercase for tag fetch; get name's proper case from mw_languages_by_tag_t[<tag>]
if mw_languages_by_name_t[v] then -- when name already in the table
if 2 == #k or 3 == #k then -- if tag does not have subtags
mw_languages_by_name_t[v] = k; -- prefer the shortest tag for this name
else -- here when name not in the table
mw_languages_by_name_t[v] = k; -- so add name and matching tag
local inter_wiki_map = {}; -- map of interwiki prefixes that are language-code prefixes
for k, v in pairs (mw.site.interwikiMap ('local')) do -- spin through the base interwiki map (limited to local)
if mw_languages_by_tag_t[v["prefix"]] then -- if the prefix matches a known language tag
inter_wiki_map[v["prefix"]] = true; -- add it to our local map
--[[--------------------< S C R I P T _ L A N G _ C O D E S >-------------------
This table is used to hold ISO 639-1 two-character and ISO 639-3 three-character
language codes that apply only to |script-title= and |script-chapter=


local script_lang_codes = {
local script_lang_codes = {
'am', 'ar', 'be', 'bg', 'bn', 'bs', 'dv', 'el', 'fa', -- ISO 639-1 codes only for |script-title= and |script-chapter=
'ab', 'am', 'ar', 'be', 'bg', 'bn', 'bo', 'bs', 'dv', 'dz', 'el', 'fa', 'gu',
'gu', 'he', 'hy', 'ja', 'ka', 'kn', 'ko', 'ku',
'he', 'hi', 'hy', 'ja', 'ka', 'kk', 'km', 'kn', 'ko', 'ku', 'ky', 'lo', 'mk',
'mk', 'ml', 'mn', 'mr', 'my', 'ps', 'ru', 'sd',
'ml', 'mn', 'mr', 'my', 'ne', 'or', 'ota', 'ps', 'ru', 'sd', 'si', 'sr', 'syc',
'sr', 'tg', 'th', 'uk', 'ug', 'ur', 'yi', 'zh'
'ta', 'te', 'tg', 'th', 'ti', 'ug', 'uk', 'ur', 'uz', 'yi', 'yue', 'zh'

--[[--------------------------< L A N G U A G E  R E M A P P I N G >------------------------------------------
--[[---------------< L A N G U A G E  R E M A P P I N G >----------------------

These tables hold language information that is different (correct) from MediaWiki's definitions
These tables hold language information that is different (correct) from MediaWiki's definitions

For each ['code'] = 'language name' in lang_code_remap{} there must be a matching ['language name'] = {'language name', 'code'} in lang_name_remap{}

local lang_code_remap = { -- used for |language= and |script-title= / |script-chapter=
['bh'] = 'بیهاری', -- MediaWiki uses 'bh' as a subdomain name for Bhojpuri wWikipedia: bh.wikipedia.org
key is always lowercase ISO 639-1, -2, -3 language code or a valid lowercase IETF language tag
['bn'] = 'بنگالی', -- MediaWiki returns Bangla
value is properly spelled and capitalized language name associated with key
['cnr'] = 'مونته‌نگروئی', -- 'new' 639 code that MediaWiki does not yet understand
only one language name per key;
['nb'] = 'نروژی بوک‌مل',
key/value pair must have matching entry in lang_name_remap{}
['nb-NO'] = 'نروژی بوک‌مل',

local lang_name_remap = { -- used for |language=
['bangla'] = {'Bengali', 'bn'}, -- MediaWiki returns Bangla (the endonym) but we want Bengali (the exonym); here we remap
key is always lowercase language name
['bengali'] = {'Bengali', 'bn'}, -- MediaWiki doesn't use exonym so here we provide correct language name and 639-1 code
value is a table the holds correctly spelled and capitalized language name [1] and associated code [2] (code must match a code key in lang_code_remap{})
['bihari'] = {'Bihari', 'bh'}, -- MediaWiki replaces 'Bihari' with 'Bhojpuri' so 'Bihari' cannot be found
may have multiple keys referring to a common preferred name and code; For example:
['bhojpuri'] = {'Bhojpuri', 'bho'}, -- MediaWiki uses 'bh' as a subdomain name for Bhojpuri wWikipedia: bh.wikipedia.org
['kolsch'] and ['kölsch'] both refer to 'Kölsch' and 'ksh'
['montenegrin'] = {'Montenegrin', 'cnr'}, -- 'new' 639 code that MediaWiki does not yet understand
['Norwegian Bokmal'] = {'نروژی بوک‌مل', 'nb','nb-NO'},
['Norwegian Bokmål'] = {'نروژی بوک‌مل', 'nb', 'nb-NO'},

--[[--------------------------< M A I N T E N A N C E _ C A T E G O R I E S >----------------------------------

Here we name maintenance categories to be used in maintenance messages.
local lang_code_remap = { -- used for |language= and |script-title= / |script-chapter=
['als'] = 'Tosk Albanian', -- MediaWiki returns Alemannisch
['ar'] = 'عربی',
['az'] = 'ترکی آذربایجانی',
['bh'] = 'Bihari', -- MediaWiki uses 'bh' as a subdomain name for Bhojpuri Wikipedia: bh.wikipedia.org
['bla'] = 'Blackfoot', -- MediaWiki/IANA/ISO 639: Siksika; use en.wiki preferred name
['bg'] = 'بلغاری',
['bn'] = 'بنگالی', -- MediaWiki returns Bangla
['bs'] = 'بوسنیایی',
['ca-valencia'] = 'Valencian', -- IETF variant of Catalan
['cs'] = 'چکی',
['de'] = 'آلمانی',
['el'] = 'یونانی',
['en'] = 'انگلیسی',
['es'] = 'اسپانیایی',
['et'] = 'استونیایی',
['fi'] = 'فنلاندی',
['fr'] = 'فرانسوی',
['he'] = 'عبری',
['hr'] = 'کروات',
['hy'] = 'ارمنی',
['ilo'] = 'Ilocano', -- MediaWiki/IANA/ISO 639: Iloko; use en.wiki preferred name
['id'] = 'اندونزیایی',
['is'] = 'ایسلندی',
['it'] = 'ایتالیایی',
['ja'] = 'ژاپنی',
['ko'] = 'کره‌ای',
['ksh'] = 'Kölsch', -- MediaWiki: Colognian; use IANA/ISO 639 preferred name
['ksh-x-colog'] = 'Colognian', -- override MediaWiki ksh; no IANA/ISO 639 code for Colognian; IETF private code created at Module:Lang/data
['lt'] = 'لیتوانیایی',
['mis-x-ripuar'] = 'Ripuarian', -- override MediaWiki ksh; no IANA/ISO 639 code for Ripuarian; IETF private code created at Module:Lang/data
['mk'] = 'مقدونی',
['nan-tw'] = 'Taiwanese Hokkien', -- make room for MediaWiki/IANA/ISO 639 nan: Min Nan Chinese and support en.wiki preferred name
['nl'] = 'هلندی',
['no'] = 'نروژی',
['pl'] = 'لهستانی',
['pt'] = 'پرتغالی',
['ro'] = 'رومانیایی',
['ru'] = 'روسی',
['si'] = 'سینهالی',
['sh'] = 'صرب و کرواتی',
['sq'] = 'آلبانیایی',
['sl'] = 'اسلوونیایی',
['sr'] = 'صربی',
['sv'] = 'سوئدی',
['th'] = 'تایلندی',
['tr'] = 'ترکی استانبولی',

local lang_name_remap = { -- used for |language=; names require proper capitalization; tags must be lowercase
['albanian'] = {'آلبانیایی', 'sq'},
local maint_cats = {
['alemannisch'] = {'Swiss German', 'gsw'}, -- not an ISO or IANA language name; MediaWiki uses 'als' as a subdomain name for Alemannic Wikipedia: als.wikipedia.org
['ASIN'] = 'نگهداری یادکرد:ASIN به جای شابک',
['arabic'] = {'عربی', 'ar'},
['authors'] = 'نگهداری یادکرد:استفاده از پارامتر نویسندگان',
['armenian'] = {'ارمنی', 'hy'},
['bot:_unknown'] = 'CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown',
['azerbaijani'] = {'ترکی آذربایجانی', 'az'},
['date_format'] = 'نگهداری یادکرد:فرمت پارامتر تاریخ',
['bangla'] = {'بنگالی', 'bn'}, -- MediaWiki returns Bangla (the endonym) but we want Bengali (the exonym); here we remap
['date_year'] = ' نگهداری یادکرد:تاریخ و سال',
['bengali'] = {'بنگالی', 'bn'}, -- MediaWiki doesn't use exonym so here we provide correct language name and 639-1 code
['disp_auth_ed'] = 'نگهداری یادکرد:نمایش-$1',
['bhojpuri'] = {'Bhojpuri', 'bho'}, -- MediaWiki uses 'bh' as a subdomain name for Bhojpuri Wikipedia: bh.wikipedia.org
-- $1 is authors or editors; gets value from special_case_translation table
['bihari'] = {'Bihari', 'bh'}, -- MediaWiki replaces 'Bihari' with 'Bhojpuri' so 'Bihari' cannot be found
['editors'] = 'نگهداری یادکرد:استفاده از پارامتر ویراستاران',
['blackfoot'] = {'Blackfoot', 'bla'}, -- MediaWiki/IANA/ISO 639: Siksika; use en.wiki preferred name
['embargo'] = 'نگهداری یادکرد:تحریم منقضی‌شده PMC',
['bosnian'] = {'بوسنیایی', 'bs'},
['english'] = 'CS1 maint: English language specified',
['bulgarian'] = {'بلغاری', 'bg'},
['etal'] = 'نگهداری یادکرد:استفاده از et al.',
['czech'] = {'چکی', 'cs'},
['extra_text'] = 'نگهداری یادکرد:متن اضافی',
['chinese'] = {'چینی', 'zh'},
['extra_text_names'] = 'نگهداری یادکرد:متن اضافی:$1',
['colognian'] = {'Colognian', 'ksh-x-colog'}, -- MediaWiki preferred name for ksh
-- $1 is <name>s list; gets value from special_case_translation table
['croatian'] = {'کروات', 'hr'},
['ignore_isbn_err'] = 'نگهداری یادکرد:خطاهای شابک چشم‌پوشی‌شده',
['deutsch'] = {'آلمانی', 'de'},
['interviewers'] = 'نگهداری یادکرد:استفاده از پارامتر مصاحبه‌کنندگان',
['dutch'] = {'هلندی', 'nl'},
['missing_pipe'] = 'نگهداری یادکرد:پایپ ناموجود',
['english'] = {'انگلیسی', 'en'},
['mult_names'] = 'نگهداری یادکرد:نام‌های متعدد:$1',
['estonian'] = {'استونیایی', 'et'},
-- $1 is <name>s list; gets value from special_case_translation table
['finnish'] = {'فنلاندی', 'fi'},
['pmc_format'] = 'نگهداری یادکرد:فرمت پارامتر PMC',
['french'] = {'فرانسوی', 'fr'},
['unfit'] = 'نگهداری یادکرد:پیوند نامناسب',
['german'] = {'آلمانی', 'de'},
['unknown_lang'] = 'نگهداری یادکرد:زبان ناشناخته',
['greek'] = {'یونانی', 'el'},
['untitled'] = 'نگهداری یادکرد:گاه‌نامه بدون عنوان',
['hebrew'] = {'عبری', 'he'},
['hungarian'] = {'مجاری', 'hu'},
['icelandic'] = {'ایسلندی', 'is'},
['ilocano'] = {'Ilocano', 'ilo'}, -- MediaWiki/IANA/ISO 639: Iloko; use en.wiki preferred name
['indonesian'] = {'اندونزیایی', 'id'},
['italian'] = {'ایتالیایی', 'it'},
['japanese'] = {'ژاپنی', 'ja'},
['kolsch'] = {'Kölsch', 'ksh'}, -- use IANA/ISO 639 preferred name (use non-diacritical o instead of umlaut ö)
['kölsch'] = {'Kölsch', 'ksh'}, -- use IANA/ISO 639 preferred name
['korean'] = {'کره‌ای', 'ko'},
['lithuanian'] = {'لیتوانیایی', 'lt'},
['macedonian'] = {'مقدونی', 'mk'},
['norwegian'] = {'نروژی', 'no'},
['polish'] = {'لهستانی', 'pl'},
['portuguese'] = {'پرتغالی', 'pt'},
['ripuarian'] = {'Ripuarian', 'mis-x-ripuar'}, -- group of dialects; no code in MediaWiki or in IANA/ISO 639
['romanian'] = {'رومانیایی', 'ro'},
['russian'] = {'روسی', 'ru'},
['serbian'] = {'صربی', 'sr'},
['serbo-croatian'] = {'صرب و کرواتی', 'sh'},
['sinhala'] = {'سینهالی', 'si'},
['slovenian'] = {'اسلوونیایی', 'sl'},
['spanish'] = {'اسپانیایی', 'es'},
['swedish'] = {'سوئدی', 'sv'},
['taiwanese hokkien'] = {'Taiwanese Hokkien', 'nan-tw'}, -- make room for MediaWiki/IANA/ISO 639 nan: Min Nan Chinese
['thai'] = {'تایلندی', 'th'},
['tosk albanian'] = {'Tosk Albanian', 'als'}, -- MediaWiki replaces 'Tosk Albanian' with 'Alemannisch' so 'Tosk Albanian' cannot be found
['turkish'] = {'ترکی استانبولی', 'tr'},
['türkce'] = {'ترکی استانبولی', 'tr'},
['valencian'] = {'Valencian', 'ca'}, -- variant of Catalan; categorizes as Catalan

--[[--------------------------< P R O P E R T I E S _ C A T E G O R I E S >------------------------------------
--[[---------------< P R O P E R T I E S _ C A T E G O R I E S >----------------

Here we name properties categories
Properties categories. These are used for investigating qualities of citations.


local prop_cats = {
local prop_cats = {
['foreign_lang_source'] = 'یادکردهای دارای منبع به زبان $1', -- |language= categories; $1 is language name, $2 is ISO639-1 code
['foreign-lang-source'] = 'یادکردهای دارای منبع به زبان $1', -- |language= categories; $1 is foreign-language name, $2 is ISO639-1 code
['foreign_lang_source_2'] = 'یادکردهای دارای منبع به زبان‌های خارجی (ایزو ۲–۶۳۹)|$1', -- |language= category; a cat for ISO639-2 languages; $1 is the ISO 639-2 code
['foreign-lang-source-2'] = 'یادکردهای دارای منبع به زبان‌های خارجی (ایزو ۲–۶۳۹)|$1', -- |language= category; a cat for ISO639-2 languages; $1 is the ISO 639-2 code used as a sort key
['script'] = 'یادکردهای دارای عنوان به خط زبان‌های خارجی', -- when language specified by |script-title=xx: doesn't have its own category
['jul-greg-uncertainty'] = 'CS1: Julian–Gregorian uncertainty', -- probably temporary cat to identify scope of template with dates 1 October 1582 – 1 January 1926
['script_with_name'] = 'یادکردهای دارای عنوان به خط $1 (کد $2)', -- |script-title=xx: has matching category; $1 is language name, $2 is ISO639-1 code
['local-lang-source'] = 'CS1 $1-language sources ($2)', -- |language= categories; $1 is local-language name, $2 is ISO639-1 code; not emitted when local_lang_cat_enable is false
['jul_greg_uncertainty'] = 'CS1: Julian–Gregorian uncertainty', -- probably temporary cat to identify scope of template with dates 1 October 1582 – 1 January 1926
['location-test'] = 'آزمون موقعیت CS1',
['long-vol'] = 'CS1: مقدار volume طولانی', -- probably temporary cat to identify scope of |volume= values longer than 4 charachters
['script'] = 'یادکردهای دارای عنوان به خط زبان‌های خارجی', -- |script-title=xx: has matching category; $1 is language name, $2 is ISO639-1 code
['tracked-param'] = 'CS1 tracked parameter: $1', -- $1 is base (enumerators removed) parameter name
['year-range-abbreviated'] = 'CS1: بازه مختصر سال', -- probably temporary cat to identify scope of |date=, |year= values using YYYY–YY form

--[[--------------------------< T I T L E _ T Y P E S >--------------------------------------------------------
--[[-------------------< T I T L E _ T Y P E S >--------------------------------

Here we map a template's CitationClass to TitleType (default values for |type= parameter)
Here we map a template's CitationClass to TitleType (default values for |type= parameter)
خط ۵۹۸: خط ۱٬۱۸۱:
['pressrelease'] = 'Press release',
['pressrelease'] = 'Press release',
['report'] = 'Report',
['report'] = 'Report',
['speech'] = 'Speech',
['techreport'] = 'Technical report',
['techreport'] = 'Technical report',
['thesis'] = 'Thesis',
['thesis'] = 'Thesis',
خط ۶۰۳: خط ۱٬۱۸۷:

--[[--------------------------< E R R O R _ C O N D I T I O N S >----------------------------------------------
--[[===================<< E R R O R  M E S S A G I N G >>======================
--[[----------< E R R O R  M E S S A G E  S U P P L I M E N T S >-------------
I18N for those messages that are supplemented with additional specific text that
describes the reason for the error
TODO: merge this with special_case_translations{}?
local err_msg_supl = {
['char'] = 'invalid character', -- |isbn=, |sbn=
['check'] = 'checksum', -- |isbn=, |sbn=
['flag'] = 'flag', -- |archive-url=
['form'] = 'invalid form', -- |isbn=, |sbn=
['group'] = 'invalid group id', -- |isbn=
['initials'] = 'initials', -- Vancouver
['invalid language code'] = 'invalid language code', -- |script-<param>=
['journal'] = 'journal', -- |bibcode=
['length'] = 'length', -- |isbn=, |bibcode=, |sbn=
['liveweb'] = 'liveweb', -- |archive-url=
['missing comma'] = 'missing comma', -- Vancouver
['missing prefix'] = 'missing prefix', -- |script-<param>=
['missing title part'] = 'missing title part', -- |script-<param>=
['name'] = 'name', -- Vancouver
['non-Latin char'] = 'non-Latin character', -- Vancouver
['path'] = 'path', -- |archive-url=
['prefix'] = 'invalid prefix', -- |isbn=
['punctuation'] = 'punctuation', -- Vancouver
['save'] = 'save command', -- |archive-url=
['suffix'] = 'suffix', -- Vancouver
['timestamp'] = 'timestamp', -- |archive-url=
['unknown language code'] = 'unknown language code', -- |script-<param>=
['value'] = 'value', -- |bibcode=
['year'] = 'year', -- |bibcode=
--[[--------------< E R R O R _ C O N D I T I O N S >---------------------------

Error condition table
Error condition table.  This table has two sections: errors at the top, maintenance
at the bottom.  Maint 'messaging' does not have a 'message' (message=nil)

The following contains a list of IDs for various error conditions defined in the code.  For each ID, we specify a
The following contains a list of IDs for various error conditions defined in the
text message to display, an error category to include, and whether the error message should be wrapped as a hidden comment.
code.  For each ID, we specify a text message to display, an error category to
include, and whether the error message should be wrapped as a hidden comment.

Anchor changes require identical changes to matching anchor in Help:CS1 errors
Anchor changes require identical changes to matching anchor in Help:CS1 errors
TODO: rename error_conditions{} to something more generic; create separate error
and maint tables inside that?


local error_conditions = {
local error_conditions = {
accessdate_missing_url = {
err_accessdate_missing_url = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;access-date=</code> requires <code class="cs1-code">&#124;url=</code>',
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;access-date=</code> requires <code class="cs1-code">&#124;url=</code>',
anchor = 'accessdate_missing_url',
anchor = 'accessdate_missing_url',
category = 'یادکردهای وب دارای تاریخ بازبینی بدون نشانی اینترنتی',
category = 'یادکردهای وب دارای تاریخ بازبینی بدون نشانی اینترنتی',
hidden = true },
hidden = false
archive_missing_date = {
err_apostrophe_markup = {
message = 'Italic or bold markup not allowed in: <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'apostrophe_markup',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: نشانه‌گذاری',
hidden = false
err_archive_missing_date = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;archive-url=</code> requires <code class="cs1-code">&#124;archive-date=</code>',
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;archive-url=</code> requires <code class="cs1-code">&#124;archive-date=</code>',
anchor = 'archive_missing_date',
anchor = 'archive_missing_date',
category = 'صفحه‌های دارای خطا در نشانی بایگانی',
category = 'صفحه‌های دارای خطا در نشانی بایگانی',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
archive_missing_url = {
err_archive_missing_url = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;archive-url=</code> requires <code class="cs1-code">&#124;url=</code>',
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;archive-url=</code> requires <code class="cs1-code">&#124;url=</code>',
anchor = 'archive_missing_url',
anchor = 'archive_missing_url',
category = 'صفحه‌های دارای خطا در نشانی بایگانی',
category = 'صفحه‌های دارای خطا در نشانی بایگانی',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
archive_url = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;archive-url=</code> is malformed: $1',
err_archive_url = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;archive-url=</code> is malformed: $1', -- $1 is error message detail
anchor = 'archive_url',
anchor = 'archive_url',
category = 'صفحه‌های دارای خطا در نشانی بایگانی',
category = 'صفحه‌های دارای خطا در نشانی بایگانی',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
arxiv_missing = {
err_arxiv_missing = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;arxiv=</code> required',
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;arxiv=</code> required',
anchor = 'arxiv_missing',
anchor = 'arxiv_missing',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: آرکایو', -- same as bad arxiv
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: آرکایو', -- same as bad arxiv
hidden = false },
hidden = false
arxiv_params_not_supported = {
message = 'Unsupported parameter(s) in cite arXiv',
err_asintld_missing_asin = {
anchor = 'arxiv_params_not_supported',
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code> requires <code class="cs1-code">&#124;asin=</code>', -- $1 is parameter name
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: آرکایو', -- same as bad arxiv
anchor = 'asintld_missing_asin',
hidden = false },
category = 'خطاهای CS1: ASIN TLD',
bad_arxiv = {
hidden = false
err_bad_arxiv = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;arxiv=</code> value',
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;arxiv=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_arxiv',
anchor = 'bad_arxiv',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: آرکایو',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: آرکایو',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
bad_asin = {
err_bad_asin = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;asin=</code> value',
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;asin=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_asin',
anchor = 'bad_asin',
category ='خطاهای یادکرد: ASIN',
category ='خطاهای یادکرد: ASIN',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
bad_bibcode = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;bibcode=</code> $1',
err_bad_asin_tld = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;asin-tld=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_asin_tld',
category ='خطاهای CS1: ASIN TLD',
hidden = false
err_bad_bibcode = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;bibcode=</code> $1', -- $1 is error message detail
anchor = 'bad_bibcode',
anchor = 'bad_bibcode',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: بیبکد',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: بیبکد',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
bad_biorxiv = {
err_bad_biorxiv = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;biorxiv=</code> value',
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;biorxiv=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_biorxiv',
anchor = 'bad_biorxiv',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: bioRxiv',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: bioRxiv',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
bad_citeseerx = {
err_bad_citeseerx = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;citeseerx=</code> value',
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;citeseerx=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_citeseerx',
anchor = 'bad_citeseerx',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: citeseerx',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: citeseerx',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
bad_date = {
message = 'Check date values in: <code class="cs1-code">$1</code>',
err_bad_date = {
message = 'Check date values in: $1', -- $1 is a parameter name list
anchor = 'bad_date',
anchor = 'bad_date',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: تاریخ',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: تاریخ',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
bad_doi = {
err_bad_doi = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;doi=</code> value',
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;doi=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_doi',
anchor = 'bad_doi',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: DOI',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: DOI',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
bad_hdl = {
err_bad_hdl = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;hdl=</code> value',
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;hdl=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_hdl',
anchor = 'bad_hdl',
category = 'خطای یادکرد: HDL',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: HDL',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
bad_isbn = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;isbn=</code> value: $1',
err_bad_isbn = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;isbn=</code> value: $1', -- $1 is error message detail
anchor = 'bad_isbn',
anchor = 'bad_isbn',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: شابک',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: شابک',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
bad_ismn = {
err_bad_ismn = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;ismn=</code> value',
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;ismn=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_ismn',
anchor = 'bad_ismn',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: ISMN',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: ISMN',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
bad_issn = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1issn=</code> value',
err_bad_issn = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1issn=</code> value', -- $1 is 'e' or '' for eissn or issn
anchor = 'bad_issn',
anchor = 'bad_issn',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: شاپا',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: شاپا',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
bad_jfm = {
err_bad_jfm = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;jfm=</code> value',
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;jfm=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_jfm',
anchor = 'bad_jfm',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: JFM',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: JFM',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
bad_lccn = {
err_bad_jstor = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;jstor=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_jstor',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: JSTOR',
hidden = false
err_bad_lccn = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;lccn=</code> value',
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;lccn=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_lccn',
anchor = 'bad_lccn',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: LCCN',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: LCCN',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
bad_usenet_id = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;message-id=</code> value',
err_bad_mr = {
anchor = 'bad_message_id',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: message-id',
hidden = false },
bad_mr = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;mr=</code> value',
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;mr=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_mr',
anchor = 'bad_mr',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: MR',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: MR',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
bad_ol = {
err_bad_oclc = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;oclc=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_oclc',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: OCLC',
hidden = false
err_bad_ol = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;ol=</code> value',
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;ol=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_ol',
anchor = 'bad_ol',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: OL',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: OL',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
bad_paramlink = { -- for |title-link=, |author/editor/translator-link=, |series-link=, |episode-link=
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code> value',
err_bad_osti = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;osti=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_osti',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: OSTI',
hidden = false
err_bad_paramlink = { -- for |title-link=, |author/editor/translator-link=, |series-link=, |episode-link=
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code> value', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'bad_paramlink',
anchor = 'bad_paramlink',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: پیوند پارامتر',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: پیوند پارامتر',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
bad_pmc = {
err_bad_pmc = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;pmc=</code> value',
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;pmc=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_pmc',
anchor = 'bad_pmc',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: PMC',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: PMC',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
bad_pmid = {
err_bad_pmid = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;pmid=</code> value',
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;pmid=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_pmid',
anchor = 'bad_pmid',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: شناسه پاب‌مد',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: PMID',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
bad_oclc = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;oclc=</code> value',
err_bad_rfc = {
anchor = 'bad_oclc',
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;rfc=</code> value',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: OCLC',
anchor = 'bad_rfc',
hidden = false },
category = 'خطاهای CS1: RFC',
bad_s2cid_err = {
hidden = false
err_bad_s2cid = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;s2cid=</code> value',
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;s2cid=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_s2cid',
anchor = 'bad_s2cid',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: S2CID',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: S2CID',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
bad_ssrn = {
err_bad_sbn = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;sbn=</code> value: $1', -- $1 is error message detail
anchor = 'bad_sbn',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: SBN',
hidden = false
err_bad_ssrn = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;ssrn=</code> value',
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;ssrn=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_ssrn',
anchor = 'bad_ssrn',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: SSRN',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: SSRN',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
bad_url = {
message = 'Check $1 value',
err_bad_url = {
message = 'Check $1 value', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'bad_url',
anchor = 'bad_url',
category = 'صفحه‌هایی که نشانی اینترنتی‌شان خطا دارد',
category = 'صفحه‌هایی که نشانی اینترنتی‌شان خطا دارد',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
bad_zbl = {
err_bad_usenet_id = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;message-id=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_message_id',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: شناسه پیام',
hidden = false
err_bad_zbl = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;zbl=</code> value',
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">&#124;zbl=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_zbl',
anchor = 'bad_zbl',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: ZBL',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: ZBL',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
bare_url_missing_title = {
message = '$1 missing title',
err_bare_url_missing_title = {
message = '$1 missing title', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'bare_url_missing_title',
anchor = 'bare_url_missing_title',
category = 'صفحه‌های دارای ارجاعی که پیوند اینترنتی‌شان برهنه است',
category = 'صفحه‌های دارای ارجاعی که پیوند اینترنتی‌شان برهنه است',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
biorxiv_missing = {
err_biorxiv_missing = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;biorxiv=</code> required',
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;biorxiv=</code> required',
anchor = 'biorxiv_missing',
anchor = 'biorxiv_missing',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: bioRxiv', -- same as bad bioRxiv
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: bioRxiv', -- same as bad bioRxiv
hidden = false },
hidden = false
chapter_ignored = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code> ignored',
err_chapter_ignored = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code> ignored', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'chapter_ignored',
anchor = 'chapter_ignored',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: پارامتر مقاله',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: پارامتر مقاله',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
citation_missing_title = {
message = 'Missing or empty <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>',
err_citation_missing_title = {
message = 'Missing or empty <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'citation_missing_title',
anchor = 'citation_missing_title',
category = 'صفحه‌های دارای یادکرد بدون عنوان یادکرد',
category = 'صفحه‌های دارای یادکرد بدون عنوان یادکرد',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
citeseerx_missing = {
err_citeseerx_missing = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;citeseerx=</code> required',
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;citeseerx=</code> required',
anchor = 'citeseerx_missing',
anchor = 'citeseerx_missing',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: citeseerx', -- same as bad citeseerx
category = 'خطاهای CS1: citeseerx', -- same as bad citeseerx
hidden = false },
hidden = false
cite_web_url = { -- this error applies to cite web and to cite podcast
err_cite_web_url = { -- this error applies to cite web and to cite podcast
message = 'Missing or empty <code class="cs1-code">&#124;url=</code>',
message = 'Missing or empty <code class="cs1-code">&#124;url=</code>',
anchor = 'cite_web_url',
anchor = 'cite_web_url',
category = 'یادکردهای وب بدون نشانی اینترنتی',
category = 'یادکردهای وب بدون نشانی اینترنتی',
hidden = true },
hidden = false
contributor_ignored = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;contributor=</code> ignored</code>',
err_class_ignored = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;class=</code> ignored',
anchor = 'class_ignored',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: کلاس',
hidden = false
err_contributor_ignored = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;contributor=</code> ignored',
anchor = 'contributor_ignored',
anchor = 'contributor_ignored',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: مشارکت‌کننده',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: مشارکت‌کننده',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
contributor_missing_required_param = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;contributor=</code> requires <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>',
err_contributor_missing_required_param = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;contributor=</code> requires <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'contributor_missing_required_param',
anchor = 'contributor_missing_required_param',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: مشارکت‌کننده',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: مشارکت‌کننده',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
deprecated_params = {
message = 'Cite uses deprecated parameter <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>',
err_deprecated_params = {
message = 'Cite uses deprecated parameter <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'deprecated_params',
anchor = 'deprecated_params',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: پارامتر مهجور',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: پارامتر مهجور',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
empty_citation = {
err_disp_name = {
message = 'Invalid <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=$2</code>', -- $1 is parameter name; $2 is the assigned value
anchor = 'disp_name',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: نام‌های نمایش',
hidden = false,
err_doibroken_missing_doi = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code> requires <code class="cs1-code">&#124;doi=</code>', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'doibroken_missing_doi',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: DOI',
hidden = false
err_embargo_missing_pmc = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code> requires <code class="cs1-code">&#124;pmc=</code>', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'embargo_missing_pmc',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: تحریم PMC',
hidden = false
err_empty_citation = {
message = 'Empty citation',
message = 'Empty citation',
anchor = 'empty_citation',
anchor = 'empty_citation',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: صفحه‌های با یادکرد خالی',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: صفحه‌های با یادکرد خالی',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
first_missing_last = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;first$2=</code> missing <code class="cs1-code">&#124;last$2=</code> in $1',
err_etal = {
message = 'Explicit use of et al. in: <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'explicit_et_al',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: استفاده صریح از .et al',
hidden = false
err_extra_text_edition = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;edition=</code> has extra text',
anchor = 'extra_text_edition',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: نوشته اضافه: ویرایش',
hidden = false,
err_extra_text_issue = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code> has extra text', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'extra_text_issue',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: نوشته اضافه: issue',
hidden = false,
err_extra_text_pages = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code> has extra text', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'extra_text_pages',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: نوشته اضافه: صفحات',
hidden = false,
err_extra_text_volume = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code> has extra text', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'extra_text_volume',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: نوشته اضافه: volume',
hidden = true,
err_first_missing_last = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code> missing <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$2=</code>', -- $1 is first alias, $2 is matching last alias
anchor = 'first_missing_last',
anchor = 'first_missing_last',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: نویسنده یا ویراستار ناموجود',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: فاقد نام', -- author, contributor, editor, interviewer, translator
hidden = false },
hidden = false
format_missing_url = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code> requires <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$2=</code>',
err_format_missing_url = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code> requires <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$2=</code>', -- $1 is format parameter $2 is url parameter
anchor = 'format_missing_url',
anchor = 'format_missing_url',
category = 'Pages using citations with format and no URL',
category = 'Pages using citations with format and no URL',
hidden = true },
hidden = false
invalid_param_val = {
message = 'Invalid <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=$2</code>',
err_generic_name = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code> has generic name', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'generic_name',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: نام عام',
hidden = false,
err_generic_title = {
message = 'Cite uses generic title',
anchor = 'generic_title',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: عنوان عام',
hidden = false,
err_invalid_param_val = {
message = 'Invalid <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=$2</code>', -- $1 is parameter name $2 is parameter value
anchor = 'invalid_param_val',
anchor = 'invalid_param_val',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: مقدار پارامتر نامعتبر',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: مقدار پارامتر نامعتبر',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
invisible_char = {
message = '$1 in $2 at position $3',
err_invisible_char = {
message = '$1 in $2 at position $3', -- $1 is invisible char $2 is parameter name $3 is position number
anchor = 'invisible_char',
anchor = 'invisible_char',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: کاراکترهای نامرئی',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: کاراکترهای نامرئی',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
missing_name = {
message = 'Missing <code class="cs1-code">&#124;last$2=</code> in $1',
err_missing_name = {
message = 'Missing <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1$2=</code>', -- $1 is modified NameList; $2 is enumerator
anchor = 'missing_name',
anchor = 'missing_name',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: نویسنده یا ویراستار ناموجود',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: فاقد نام', -- author, contributor, editor, interviewer, translator
hidden = false },
hidden = false
param_access_requires_param = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1-access=</code> requires <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>',
err_missing_periodical = {
message = 'Cite $1 requires <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$2=</code>', -- $1 is cs1 template name; $2 is canonical periodical parameter name for cite $1
anchor = 'missing_periodical',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: فاقد periodical',
hidden = true
err_missing_pipe = {
message = 'Missing pipe in: <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'missing_pipe',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: فاقد پایپ',
hidden = false
err_param_access_requires_param = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1-access=</code> requires <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'param_access_requires_param',
anchor = 'param_access_requires_param',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: دسترسی به پارامتر',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: دسترسی به پارامتر',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
param_has_ext_link = {
message = 'External link in <code class="cs1-code">$1</code>',
err_param_has_ext_link = {
message = 'External link in <code class="cs1-code">$1</code>', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'param_has_ext_link',
anchor = 'param_has_ext_link',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: پیوندهای بیرونی',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: پیوندهای بیرونی',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
parameter_ignored = {
message = 'Unknown parameter <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code> ignored',
err_parameter_ignored = {
message = 'Unknown parameter <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code> ignored', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'parameter_ignored',
anchor = 'parameter_ignored',
category = 'صفحه‌های دارای ارجاع با پارامتر پشتیبانی‌نشده',
category = 'صفحه‌های دارای ارجاع با پارامتر پشتیبانی‌نشده',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
parameter_ignored_suggest = {
message = 'Unknown parameter <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code> ignored (<code class="cs1-code">&#124;$2=</code> suggested)',
err_parameter_ignored_suggest = {
message = 'Unknown parameter <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code> ignored (<code class="cs1-code">&#124;$2=</code> suggested)', -- $1 is unknown parameter $2 is suggested parameter name
anchor = 'parameter_ignored_suggest',
anchor = 'parameter_ignored_suggest',
category = 'صفحه‌های دارای ارجاع با پارامتر پشتیبانی‌نشده',
category = 'صفحه‌های دارای ارجاع با پارامتر پشتیبانی‌نشده',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
redundant_parameters = {
message = 'More than one of $1 specified',
err_redundant_parameters = {
message = 'More than one of $1 specified', -- $1 is error message detail
anchor = 'redundant_parameters',
anchor = 'redundant_parameters',
category = 'صفحه‌های دارای ارجاع با متغیر تکراری',
category = 'صفحه‌های دارای ارجاع با متغیر تکراری',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
text_ignored = {
message = 'Text "$1" ignored',
err_script_parameter = {
message = 'Invalid <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>: $2', -- $1 is parameter name $2 is script language code or error detail
anchor = 'script_parameter',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: پارامترهای اسکریپتی',
hidden = false
err_ssrn_missing = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;ssrn=</code> required',
anchor = 'ssrn_missing',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: SSRN', -- same as bad arxiv
hidden = false
err_text_ignored = {
message = 'Text "$1" ignored', -- $1 is ignored text
anchor = 'text_ignored',
anchor = 'text_ignored',
category = 'صفحه‌های دارای ارجاع با پارامتر بدون نام',
category = 'صفحه‌های دارای ارجاع با پارامتر بدون نام',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
trans_missing_title = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;trans-$1=</code> requires <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>',
err_trans_missing_title = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;trans-$1=</code> requires <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code> or <code class="cs1-code">&#124;script-$1=</code>', -- $1 is base parameter name
anchor = 'trans_missing_title',
anchor = 'trans_missing_title',
category = 'صفحه‌های دارای ارجاع با پارامتر عنوان ترجمه‌شده',
category = 'صفحه‌های دارای ارجاع با پارامتر عنوان ترجمه‌شده',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
vancouver = {
message = 'Vancouver style error: $1',
err_param_unknown_empty = {
message = 'Cite has empty unknown parameter$1: $2', -- $1 is 's' or empty space; $2 is emty unknown param list
anchor = 'param_unknown_empty',
category = 'خطاهای CS1: پارامترهای نامعلوم خالی',
hidden = false
err_vancouver = {
message = 'Vancouver style error: $1 in name $2', -- $1 is error detail, $2 is the nth name
anchor = 'vancouver',
anchor = 'vancouver',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: شیوه ونکوور',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: شیوه ونکوور',
hidden = false },
hidden = false
wikilink_in_url = {
err_wikilink_in_url = {
message = 'URL–wikilink conflict', -- uses ndash
message = 'URL–wikilink conflict', -- uses ndash
anchor = 'wikilink_in_url',
anchor = 'wikilink_in_url',
category = 'یادکردهای دارای نشانی اینترنتی که پیوند درون‌ویکی دارند', -- uses ndash
category = 'یادکردهای دارای نشانی اینترنتی که پیوند درون‌ویکی دارند', -- uses ndash
hidden = false },
print_param = { --falocalization
message = 'پارامتر <code class="cs1-code">&#124;چاپ=</code> اضافه است',
anchor = 'چاپ',
category = 'خطاهای یادکرد: پارامتر چاپ',
hidden = false
hidden = false
--[[--------------------------< M A I N T >-------------------------------------
maint messages do not have a message (message = nil); otherwise the structure
is the same as error messages
maint_archived_copy = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'archived_copy',
category = 'نگهداری یادکرد:عنوان آرشیو به جای عنوان',
hidden = true,
maint_authors = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'authors',
category = 'نگهداری یادکرد:استفاده از پارامتر نویسندگان',
hidden = true,
maint_bot_unknown = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'bot:_unknown',
category = 'نگهداری یادکرد:ربات:وضعیت نامعلوم پیوند اصلی',
hidden = true,
maint_date_auto_xlated = { -- date auto-translation not supported by en.wiki
message = nil,
anchor = 'date_auto_xlated',
category = 'CS1 maint: date auto-translated',
hidden = true,
maint_date_format = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'date_format',
category = 'نگهداری یادکرد:فرمت پارامتر تاریخ',
hidden = true,
maint_date_year = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'date_year',
category = 'نگهداری یادکرد:تاریخ و سال',
hidden = true,
maint_doi_ignore = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'doi_ignore',
category = 'نگهداری CS1: خطاهای صرفنظر از DOI',
hidden = true,
maint_doi_inactive = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'doi_inactive',
category = 'نگهداری CS1: DOI غیرفعال',
hidden = true,
maint_doi_inactive_dated = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'doi_inactive_dated',
category = 'CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of $2$3$1', -- $1 is year, $2 is month-name or empty string, $3 is space or empty string
hidden = true,
maint_extra_punct = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'extra_punct',
category = 'نگهداری CS1: نقطه‌گذاری اضافه',
hidden = true,
maint_isbn_ignore = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'ignore_isbn_err',
category = 'نگهداری یادکرد:خطاهای شابک چشم‌پوشی‌شده',
hidden = true,
maint_issn_ignore = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'ignore_issn',
category = 'نگهداری CS1: خطاهای ISSN صرفنظر شده',
hidden = true,
maint_jfm_format = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'jfm_format',
category = 'نگهداری CS1: قالب JFM',
hidden = true,
maint_location = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'location',
category = 'نگهداری CS1: موقعیت',
hidden = true,
maint_mr_format = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'mr_format',
category = 'نگهداری CS1: قالب MR',
hidden = true,
maint_mult_names = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'mult_names',
-- $1 is '<name>s list'; gets value from special_case_translation table
category = 'نگهداری یادکرد:نام‌های متعدد:$1',
hidden = true,
maint_numeric_names = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'numeric_names',
category = 'CS1 maint: numeric names: $1', -- $1 is '<name>s list'; gets value from special_case_translation table
hidden = true,
maint_others = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'others',
category = 'نگهداری CS1: سایر موارد',
hidden = true,
maint_others_avm = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'others_avm',
category = 'نگهداری CS1: سایر موارد در یادکرد رسانه‌های AV (یادداشت‌ها)',
hidden = true,
maint_pmc_embargo = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'embargo',
category = 'نگهداری یادکرد:تحریم منقضی‌شده PMC',
hidden = true,
maint_pmc_format = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'pmc_format',
category = 'نگهداری یادکرد:فرمت پارامتر PMC',
hidden = true,
maint_postscript = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'postscript',
category = 'نگهداری CS1: پست اسکریپت',
hidden = true,
maint_ref_duplicates_default = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'ref_default',
category = 'نگهداری CS1: پیش‌فرض تکرار ref',
hidden = true,
maint_unfit = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'unfit',
category = 'نگهداری یادکرد:پیوند نامناسب',
hidden = true,
maint_unknown_lang = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'unknown_lang',
category = 'نگهداری یادکرد:زبان ناشناخته',
hidden = true,
maint_untitled = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'untitled',
category = 'نگهداری یادکرد:گاه‌نامه بدون عنوان',
hidden = true,
maint_url_status = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'url_status',
category = 'نگهداری CS1: url-status',
hidden = true,
maint_zbl = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'zbl',
category = 'نگهداری CS1: Zbl',
hidden = true,
خط ۸۹۶: خط ۱٬۸۸۲:
--[[--------------------------< I D _ H A N D L E R S >--------------------------------------------------------
--[[--------------------------< I D _ H A N D L E R S >--------------------------------------------------------

The following contains a list of values for various defined identifiers.  For each identifier we specify a
The following contains a list of values for various defined identifiers.  For each
variety of information necessary to properly render the identifier in the citation.
identifier we specify a variety of information necessary to properly render the
identifier in the citation.

parameters: a list of parameter aliases for this identifier
parameters: a list of parameter aliases for this identifier; first in the list is the canonical form
link: Wikipedia article name
link: Wikipedia article name
q: wikidata q number for the identifier
redirect: a local redirect to a local Wikipedia article name;  at en.wiki, 'ISBN (identifier)' is a redirect to 'International Standard Book Number'
label: the alternate name to apply to link
q: Wikidata q number for the identifier
mode: 'manual' when there is a specific function in the code to handle the identifier;
label: the label preceeding the identifier; label is linked to a Wikipedia article (in this order):
'external' for identifiers that link outside of Wikipedia;
redirect from id_handlers['<id>'].redirect when use_identifier_redirects is true
prefix: the first part of a url that will be concatenated with a second part which usually contains the identifier
Wikidata-supplied article name for the local wiki from id_handlers['<id>'].q
encode: true if uri should be percent encoded; otherwise false
local article name from id_handlers['<id>'].link
prefix: the first part of a URL that will be concatenated with a second part which usually contains the identifier
suffix: optional third part to be added after the identifier
encode: true if URI should be percent-encoded; otherwise false
COinS: identifier link or keyword for use in COinS:
COinS: identifier link or keyword for use in COinS:
for identifiers registered at info-uri.info use: info:....
for identifiers registered at info-uri.info use: info:.... where '...' is the appropriate identifier label
for identifiers that have COinS keywords, use the keyword: rft.isbn, rft.issn, rft.eissn
for identifiers that have COinS keywords, use the keyword: rft.isbn, rft.issn, rft.eissn
for others make a url using the value in prefix, use the keyword: pre (not checked; any text other than 'info' or 'rft' works here)
for |asin= and |ol=, which require assembly, use the keyword: url
for others make a URL using the value in prefix/suffix and #label, use the keyword: pre (not checked; any text other than 'info', 'rft', or 'url' works here)
set to nil to leave the identifier out of the COinS
set to nil to leave the identifier out of the COinS
separator: character or text between label and the identifier in the rendered citation
separator: character or text between label and the identifier in the rendered citation
id_limit: for those identifiers with established limits, this property holds the upper limit
access: use this parameter to set the access level for all instances of this identifier.
access: use this parameter to set the access level for all instances of this identifier.
the value must be a valid access level for an identifier (see ['id-access'] in this file).
the value must be a valid access level for an identifier (see ['id-access'] in this file).
custom_access: to enable custom access level for an identifier, set this parameter
custom_access: to enable custom access level for an identifier, set this parameter
to the parameter that should control it (normally 'id-access')
to the parameter that should control it (normally 'id-access')

local id_handlers = {
local id_handlers = {
['ARXIV'] = {
['ARXIV'] = {
parameters = {'arxiv', 'eprint','آرکایو'},
parameters = {'arxiv', 'eprint'},
link = 'arXiv',
link = 'آرکایو (وبسایت)',
q = 'Q118398',
q = 'Q118398',
label = 'arXiv',
label = 'arXiv',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = '//arxiv.org/abs/', -- protocol-relative tested 2013-09-04
prefix = '//arxiv.org/abs/', -- protocol relative tested 2013-09-04
encode = false,
encode = false,
COinS = 'info:arxiv',
COinS = 'info:arxiv',
خط ۹۳۵: خط ۱٬۹۲۷:
parameters = { 'asin', 'ASIN' },
parameters = { 'asin', 'ASIN' },
link = 'Amazon Standard Identification Number',
link = 'Amazon Standard Identification Number',
redirect = 'ASIN (identifier)',
q = 'Q1753278',
q = 'Q1753278',
label = 'ASIN',
label = 'ASIN',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = '//www.amazon.',
prefix = '//www.amazon.',
COinS = nil, -- no COinS for this id (needs thinking on implementation because |asin-tld=)
COinS = 'url',
separator = '&nbsp;',
separator = '&nbsp;',
encode = false;
encode = false;
['BIBCODE'] = {
['BIBCODE'] = {
parameters = {'bibcode', 'بیبکد'},
parameters = {'bibcode'},
link = 'Bibcode',
link = 'بیبکد',
q = 'Q25754',
q = 'Q25754',
label = 'Bibcode',
label = 'Bibcode',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = 'https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/',
prefix = 'http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/',
encode = false,
encode = false,
COinS = 'info:bibcode',
COinS = 'info:bibcode',
خط ۹۵۸: خط ۱٬۹۴۹:
parameters = {'biorxiv'},
parameters = {'biorxiv'},
link = 'bioRxiv',
link = 'bioRxiv',
redirect = 'bioRxiv (identifier)',
q = 'Q19835482',
q = 'Q19835482',
label = 'bioRxiv',
label = 'bioRxiv',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = '//doi.org/',
prefix = '//doi.org/10.1101/',
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
access = 'free', -- free to read
access = 'free', -- free to read
خط ۹۷۰: خط ۱٬۹۶۱:
parameters = {'citeseerx'},
parameters = {'citeseerx'},
link = 'CiteSeerX',
link = 'CiteSeerX',
redirect = 'CiteSeerX (identifier)',
q = 'Q2715061',
q = 'Q2715061',
label = 'CiteSeerX',
label = 'CiteSeerX',
mode = 'manual', -- manual for custom validation of the "doi"
prefix = '//citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=',
prefix = '//citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=',
COinS =  'pre', -- use prefix value
COinS =  'pre', -- use prefix value
خط ۹۷۹: خط ۱٬۹۷۰:
separator = '&nbsp;',
separator = '&nbsp;',
['DOI'] = {
['DOI'] = { -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
parameters = { 'doi', 'DOI' },
parameters = { 'doi', 'DOI'},
link = 'نشانگر دیجیتالی شیء',
link = 'نشانگر دیجیتالی شیء',
q = 'Q25670',
q = 'Q25670',
label = 'doi',
label = 'doi',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = '//doi.org/',
prefix = '//doi.org/',
COinS = 'info:doi',
COinS = 'info:doi',
خط ۹۹۳: خط ۱٬۹۸۳:
['EISSN'] = {
['EISSN'] = {
parameters = {'eissn', 'EISSN'},
parameters = {'eissn', 'EISSN'},
link = 'International_Standard_Serial_Number#Electronic_ISSN',
link = 'International Standard Serial Number#Electronic ISSN',
redirect = 'eISSN (identifier)',
q = 'Q46339674',
q = 'Q46339674',
label = 'eISSN',
label = 'eISSN',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = '//www.worldcat.org/issn/',
prefix = '//www.worldcat.org/issn/',
COinS = 'rft.eissn',
COinS = 'rft.eissn',
خط ۱٬۰۰۵: خط ۱٬۹۹۵:
parameters = { 'hdl', 'HDL' },
parameters = { 'hdl', 'HDL' },
link = 'Handle System',
link = 'Handle System',
redirect = 'hdl (identifier)',
q = 'Q3126718',
q = 'Q3126718',
label = 'hdl',
label = 'hdl',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = '//hdl.handle.net/',
prefix = '//hdl.handle.net/',
COinS = 'info:hdl',
COinS = 'info:hdl',
خط ۱٬۰۱۴: خط ۲٬۰۰۴:
custom_access = 'hdl-access',
custom_access = 'hdl-access',
['ISBN'] = {
['ISBN'] = { -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
parameters = {'شابک','isbn', 'ISBN', 'isbn13', 'ISBN13'},
parameters = {'isbn', 'ISBN'},
link = 'شماره استاندارد بین‌المللی کتاب',
link = 'شماره استاندارد بین‌المللی کتاب',
q = 'Q33057',
q = 'Q33057',
label = 'ISBN',
label = 'ISBN',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = 'ویژه:منابع کتاب/',
prefix = 'ویژه:منابع کتاب/',
COinS = 'rft.isbn',
COinS = 'rft.isbn',
خط ۱٬۰۲۷: خط ۲٬۰۱۶:
parameters = {'ismn', 'ISMN'},
parameters = {'ismn', 'ISMN'},
link = 'International Standard Music Number',
link = 'International Standard Music Number',
redirect = 'ISMN (identifier)',
q = 'Q1666938',
q = 'Q1666938',
label = 'ISMN',
label = 'ISMN',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = '', -- not currently used;
prefix = '', -- not currently used;
COinS = 'nil', -- nil because we can't use pre or rft or info:
COinS = nil, -- nil because we can't use pre or rft or info:
separator = '&nbsp;',
separator = '&nbsp;',
['ISSN'] = {
['ISSN'] = {
parameters = {'issn', 'ISSN', 'شاپا'},
parameters = {'issn', 'ISSN'},
link = 'شماره استاندارد بین‌المللی پیایندها',
link = 'شماره استاندارد بین‌المللی پیایندها',
q = 'Q131276',
q = 'Q131276',
label = 'ISSN',
label = 'ISSN',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = '//www.worldcat.org/issn/',
prefix = '//www.worldcat.org/issn/',
COinS = 'rft.issn',
COinS = 'rft.issn',
خط ۱٬۰۴۸: خط ۲٬۰۳۶:
parameters = {'jfm', 'JFM'},
parameters = {'jfm', 'JFM'},
link = 'Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik',
link = 'Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik',
redirect = 'JFM (identifier)',
q = '',
q = '',
label = 'JFM',
label = 'JFM',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = '//zbmath.org/?format=complete&q=an:',
prefix = '//zbmath.org/?format=complete&q=an:',
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
خط ۱٬۰۵۷: خط ۲٬۰۴۵:
['JSTOR'] = {
['JSTOR'] = {
parameters = {'jstor', 'JSTOR','جی‌استور'},
parameters = {'jstor', 'JSTOR'},
link = 'جی‌استور',
link = 'جی‌استور',
q = 'Q1420342',
q = 'Q1420342',
label = 'JSTOR',
label = 'JSTOR',
mode = 'external',
prefix = '//www.jstor.org/stable/', -- protocol-relative tested 2013-09-04
prefix = '//www.jstor.org/stable/', -- protocol relative tested 2013-09-04
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
encode = false,
encode = false,
خط ۱٬۰۶۹: خط ۲٬۰۵۶:
['LCCN'] = {
['LCCN'] = {
parameters = {'LCCN', 'lccn'},
parameters = {'lccn', 'LCCN'},
link = 'شماره کنترل کتابخانه کنگره',
link = 'شماره کنترل کتابخانه کنگره',
q = 'Q620946',
q = 'Q620946',
label = 'LCCN',
label = 'LCCN',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = '//lccn.loc.gov/', -- protocol-relative tested 2015-12-28
prefix = '//lccn.loc.gov/', -- protocol relative tested 2015-12-28
COinS = 'info:lccn',
COinS = 'info:lccn', -- use prefix value
encode = false,
encode = false,
separator = '&nbsp;',
separator = '&nbsp;',
['MR'] = {
['MR'] = {
parameters = {'MR', 'mr'},
parameters = {'mr', 'MR'},
link = 'Mathematical Reviews',
link = 'Mathematical Reviews',
redirect = 'MR (identifier)',
q = 'Q211172',
q = 'Q211172',
label = 'MR',
label = 'MR',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = '//www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=', -- protocol-relative tested 2013-09-04
prefix = '//www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=', -- protocol relative tested 2013-09-04
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
encode = true,
encode = true,
خط ۱٬۰۹۱: خط ۲٬۰۷۷:
['OCLC'] = {
['OCLC'] = {
parameters = {'OCLC', 'oclc'},
parameters = {'oclc', 'OCLC'},
link = 'OCLC',
link = 'مرکز کتابخانه رایانه‌ای پیوسته',
redirect = 'اسی‌ال‌سی (شناسه)',
q = 'Q190593',
q = 'Q190593',
label = 'OCLC',
label = 'OCLC',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = '//www.worldcat.org/oclc/',
prefix = '//www.worldcat.org/oclc/',
COinS = 'info:oclcnum',
COinS = 'info:oclcnum',
encode = true,
encode = true,
separator = '&nbsp;',
separator = '&nbsp;',
id_limit = 9999999999, -- 10-digits
['OL'] = {
['OL'] = {
parameters = { 'ol', 'OL' },
parameters = { 'ol', 'OL' },
link = 'Open Library',
link = 'Open Library',
redirect = 'OL (identifier)',
q = 'Q1201876',
q = 'Q1201876',
label = 'OL',
label = 'OL',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = '//openlibrary.org/',
prefix = '//openlibrary.org/',
COinS = nil, -- no COinS for this id (needs thinking on implementation because /authors/books/works/OL)
COinS = 'url',
separator = '&nbsp;',
separator = '&nbsp;',
encode = true,
encode = true,
خط ۱٬۱۱۴: خط ۲٬۱۰۱:
['OSTI'] = {
['OSTI'] = {
parameters = {'OSTI', 'osti'},
parameters = {'osti', 'OSTI'},
link = 'Office of Scientific and Technical Information',
link = 'Office of Scientific and Technical Information',
redirect = 'OSTI (identifier)',
q = 'Q2015776',
q = 'Q2015776',
label = 'OSTI',
label = 'OSTI',
mode = 'external',
prefix = '//www.osti.gov/biblio/', -- protocol-relative tested 2018-09-12
prefix = '//www.osti.gov/biblio/', -- protocol relative tested 2018-09-12
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
encode = true,
encode = true,
separator = '&nbsp;',
separator = '&nbsp;',
id_limit = 23010000,
custom_access = 'osti-access',
custom_access = 'osti-access',
['PMC'] = {
['PMC'] = {
parameters = {'PMC', 'pmc'},
parameters = {'pmc', 'PMC'},
link = 'PubMed Central',
link = 'پاب‌مد سنترال',
q = 'Q229883',
q = 'Q229883',
label = 'PMC',
label = 'PMC',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = '//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC',
prefix = '//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC',
suffix = " ",
suffix = '',
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
encode = true,
encode = true,
separator = '&nbsp;',
separator = '&nbsp;',
id_limit = 9700000,
access = 'free', -- free to read
access = 'free', -- free to read
['PMID'] = {
['PMID'] = {
parameters = {'PMID', 'pmid'},
parameters = {'pmid', 'PMID'},
link = 'پاب‌مد',
link = 'پاب‌مد',
q = '',
q = 'Q2082879',
label = 'PMID',
label = 'PMID',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = '//pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/',
prefix = '//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/',
COinS = 'info:pmid',
COinS = 'info:pmid',
encode = false,
encode = false,
separator = '&nbsp;',
separator = '&nbsp;',
id_limit = 36400000,
['RFC'] = {
['RFC'] = {
parameters = {'RFC', 'rfc'},
parameters = {'rfc', 'RFC'},
link = 'Request for Comments',
link = 'Request for Comments',
redirect = 'RFC (identifier)',
q = 'Q212971',
q = 'Q212971',
label = 'RFC',
label = 'RFC',
mode = 'external',
prefix = '//tools.ietf.org/html/rfc',
prefix = '//tools.ietf.org/html/rfc',
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
encode = false,
encode = false,
separator = '&nbsp;',
separator = '&nbsp;',
id_limit = 9300,
access = 'free', -- free to read
access = 'free', -- free to read
['SBN'] = {
parameters = {'sbn', 'SBN'},
link = 'Standard Book Number', -- redirect to International_Standard_Book_Number#History
redirect = 'SBN (identifier)',
label = 'SBN',
prefix = 'Special:BookSources/0-', -- prefix has leading zero necessary to make 9-digit sbn a 10-digit isbn
COinS = nil, -- nil because we can't use pre or rft or info:
separator = '&nbsp;',
['SSRN'] = {
['SSRN'] = {
parameters = {'SSRN', 'ssrn'},
parameters = {'ssrn', 'SSRN'},
link = 'Social Science Research Network',
link = 'Social Science Research Network',
redirect = 'SSRN (identifier)',
q = 'Q7550801',
q = 'Q7550801',
label = 'SSRN',
label = 'SSRN',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = '//ssrn.com/abstract=', -- protocol-relative tested 2013-09-04
prefix = '//ssrn.com/abstract=', -- protocol relative tested 2013-09-04
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
encode = true,
encode = true,
separator = '&nbsp;',
separator = '&nbsp;',
access = 'free', -- always free to read
id_limit = 4200000,
custom_access = 'ssrn-access',
['S2CID'] = {
['S2CID'] = {
parameters = {'s2cid', 'S2CID'},
parameters = {'s2cid', 'S2CID'},
link = 'Semantic Scholar',
link = 'سمانتیک اسکالر',
redirect = 'S2CID (identifier)',
q = 'Q22908627',
q = 'Q22908627',
label = 'S2CID',
label = 'S2CID',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = 'https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:',
prefix = 'https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:',
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
encode = false,
encode = false,
separator = '&nbsp;',
separator = '&nbsp;',
id_limit = 230000000,
id_limit = 254000000,
custom_access = 's2cid-access',
custom_access = 's2cid-access',
خط ۱٬۱۹۰: خط ۲٬۱۸۷:
parameters = {'message-id'},
parameters = {'message-id'},
link = 'Usenet',
link = 'Usenet',
redirect = 'Usenet (identifier)',
q = 'Q193162',
q = 'Q193162',
label = 'Usenet:',
label = 'Usenet:',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = 'news:',
prefix = 'news:',
encode = false,
encode = false,
خط ۱٬۱۹۹: خط ۲٬۱۹۶:
['ZBL'] = {
['ZBL'] = {
parameters = {'ZBL', 'zbl'},
parameters = {'zbl', 'ZBL' },
link = 'Zentralblatt MATH',
link = 'Zentralblatt MATH',
redirect = 'Zbl (identifier)',
q = 'Q190269',
q = 'Q190269',
label = 'Zbl',
label = 'Zbl',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = '//zbmath.org/?format=complete&q=an:',
prefix = '//zbmath.org/?format=complete&q=an:',
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
خط ۱٬۲۱۲: خط ۲٬۲۰۹:

--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T S >----------------------------------------------------------------
--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T S >---------------------------------

return {
return {
use_identifier_redirects = true, -- when true use redirect name for identifier label links; always true at en.wiki
local_lang_cat_enable = false; -- when true categorizes pages where |language=<local wiki's language>; always false at en.wiki
date_name_auto_xlate_enable = false; -- when true translates English month-names to the local-wiki's language month names; always false at en.wiki
date_digit_auto_xlate_enable = false; -- when true translates Western date digit to the local-wiki's language digits (date_names['local_digits']); always false at en.wiki
global_df = get_date_format (), -- tables and variables created when this module is loaded
punct_skip = build_skip_table (punct_skip, punct_meta_params),
url_skip = build_skip_table (url_skip, url_meta_params),
aliases = aliases,
aliases = aliases,
special_case_translation = special_case_translation,
special_case_translation = special_case_translation,
defaults = defaults,
date_names = date_names,
date_names = date_names,
err_msg_supl = err_msg_supl,
error_conditions = error_conditions,
error_conditions = error_conditions,
editor_markup_patterns = editor_markup_patterns,
et_al_patterns = et_al_patterns,
id_handlers = id_handlers,
id_handlers = id_handlers,
keywords = keywords,
keywords_lists = keywords_lists,
keywords_xlate = keywords_xlate,
invisible_chars = invisible_chars,
invisible_chars = invisible_chars,
invisible_defs = invisible_defs,
indic_script = indic_script,
indic_script = indic_script,
emoji = emoji,
maint_cats = maint_cats,
maint_cats = maint_cats,
messages = messages,
messages = messages,
خط ۱٬۲۳۳: خط ۲٬۲۴۴:
lang_code_remap = lang_code_remap,
lang_code_remap = lang_code_remap,
lang_name_remap = lang_name_remap,
lang_name_remap = lang_name_remap,
this_wiki_code = this_wiki_code,
title_types = title_types,
title_types = title_types,
uncategorized_namespaces = uncategorized_namespaces,
uncategorized_namespaces = uncategorized_namespaces,
خط ۱٬۲۳۹: خط ۲٬۲۵۱:
templates_using_issue = templates_using_issue,
templates_using_issue = templates_using_issue,
templates_not_using_page = templates_not_using_page,
templates_not_using_page = templates_not_using_page,
vol_iss_pg_patterns = vol_iss_pg_patterns,
inter_wiki_map = inter_wiki_map,
mw_languages_by_tag_t = mw_languages_by_tag_t,
mw_languages_by_name_t = mw_languages_by_name_t,
citation_class_map_t = citation_class_map_t,
citation_issue_t = citation_issue_t,
citation_no_volume_t = citation_no_volume_t,
کاربر ناشناس

منوی ناوبری